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Thread: models, examples & background files

  1. #1
    Senior Member Lionheart008's Avatar
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    models, examples & background files

    hi all... dear thinstudio members...

    - my idea is to 'collect on this topic all models/backgrounds/landscapes/cities/buildings' (ready or nearly finished) for the 'govern game project'... so we can check it all objects, buildings, landscapes, backgrounds, cities and much more to proof it and accept it as you wish...

    - as I am building some models I can say how important it is to get critics or you can here make some proposals for better design or layout improvements if you like...

    - that's all for the start

    - the 'cities concept board' by michael hartlef started is more for rough tuning, this board is like finetuning and show the models or backgrounds ... before and after finishing...

    - @michael clease: do you can say what you need for cities buildings ? something like the 'cool towers' from another board here... or you have any special images in mind?
    it's better for me to get a scribble or photo or similar artwork... you would like to see...

    - @ to all... if somebody has ideas please make inputs here about buildings, backgrounds or models ... so I can check it if it's possible to realize perhaps kent, michael hartlef or other guys can help... would be very nice...

    I have add a landscape with a gate and a pyramid inside... for passing flying objects or rebel groups... the obj file is still without a baked texture.. work in progress...

    ciao und servus, Lionheart

    ps: the background of the game... can be an object or an bitmap file, isn't it? 4 cities needs 4 backgrounds... I have no experiences what is better for our game, a still (object like a landscape) or a picture (bmp) we can overlay with some effects like some tbgl example has shown us... ???
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  2. #2
    Senior Member Lionheart008's Avatar
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    Re: models, examples & background files

    ... have forgotten...

    for building cities the 'greeble' plugin for e.g. blender and lightwave (cinema also has it by a little coffee skript) very useful, but the obj file size of a building scene explode... over 1.2 until 2.5 mb... needs a lot of resources, I have tried it, took it very fast into the waste bin...

    A nice greeble picture I attach here... I will try to build such buildings or rough surfaces for flying objects... more will come... also a new kind of one like my old hovercraft model...

    good evening, lionheart
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  3. #3
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Re: models, examples & background files

    Hi Frank,

    thanks for your work.That Greeble plugin output looks nice.

    I think we should put together typical scene - even simple drawing in pencil of track and all its decoration models.
    Then we will see where the elements will be put, and it will help you to focus on specific art creation.

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  4. #4
    Senior Member Lionheart008's Avatar
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    Re: models, examples & background files

    hi petr, good morning...
    hi all...

    thanks for your work.That Greeble plugin output looks nice.

    I think we should put together typical scene - even simple drawing in pencil of track and all its decoration models.
    Then we will see where the elements will be put, and it will help you to focus on specific art creation.
    a) - yes, I agree with you... simple drawing in pencil or paintbrush... it comes...

    some background/model questions...

    => b) Question: what is better for the GAME Background or the tile track... to use

    bb) - landscape models like OBJ files/ *.M15 (I say 'stills' to it) or
    bbb) - background BMP you can manipulate it with effects???
    bbbb) - sun, sky presets, water, plants, rocky mountains and so on... as BMP ???

    c) - what do you mean about "file size" of M15 Objects, it's important for the game because of loading big scenes perhaps will stop or decrease the velocity speed of the track??? I have no experience with it... so my questions belongs to the direction loading object files/backgrounds/ from a 'models' or 'texture' folder...

    d) it's possible to create some 'equal greeble looked like objects' (e.g. 9plane sphere picture above) as a plane or some bizarre objects on it, but they are very big sized and not very good to handle for the game, I am thinking... - it's not the problem to make different object design I can imagine... everybody has his own way to design the objects/cities...

    have all a good day, see you, lionheart
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