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Thread: ODE Sample #02.02

  1. #1
    thinBasic author ErosOlmi's Avatar
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    ODE Sample #02.02

    Same as ODE Sample #02.01 example but one body will increase mass every 1000 loops up to 5 times its original mass.

    ' ODE02B - Connecting bodies with joints - more complex variant

    uses "TBGL"

    #include "%APP_INCLUDEPATH%/"

    ' -- This will create window
    dim hWnd as dword = tbgl_CreateWindowEx("ODE 02 - Bodies and joints - Hanged triangle", 640, 480, 32, 0)
    tbgl_UseLighting 1
    tbgl_UseLightsource %GL_LIGHT0, 1
    ' -- Yes, to create new world is that easy
    dim myWorld as dWorldID = dWorldCreate

    ' -- Planet Earth
    dWorldSetGravity(myWorld, 0, -9.81, 0)

    ' -- We need two bodies...
    dim myBody1 as dBodyID = dBodyCreate( myWorld )
    dim myBody2 as dBodyID = dBodyCreate( myWorld )
    dim myBody3 as dBodyID = dBodyCreate( myWorld )
    dim myBody4 as dBodyID = dBodyCreate( myWorld )
    dim myBody5 as dBodyID = dBodyCreate( myWorld )

    ' -- Mass will be "recycled" for both of them
    ' -- Here we will store mass
    dim myMass AS dMass
    dim myMass2 AS dMass

    ' -- Although it might seem like something else, we give DENSITY and RADIUS
    dMassSetSphere( myMass, 2500.0, 0.05 )
    dMassSetSphere( myMass2, 2500.0, 0.05 )

    ' -- Assign mass to body
    dBodySetMass( myBody1, myMass )
    ' -- Lets position mass at x, y, z
    dBodySetPosition( myBody1, 1, 2, 0 )

    ' -- Assign mass to body
    dBodySetMass( myBody2, myMass )
    ' -- Lets position mass at x, y, z
    dBodySetPosition( myBody2, 1, 2, 1 )

    ' -- Assign mass to body
    dBodySetMass( myBody3, myMass )
    ' -- Lets position mass at x, y, z
    dBodySetPosition( myBody3, 0, 2, 1 )

    ' -- Assign mass to body
    dBodySetMass( myBody4, myMass )
    ' -- Lets position mass at x, y, z
    dBodySetPosition( myBody4, 1, 2, 2 )

    ' -- Assign mass to body
    'msgbox 0, "---------------------------------------------------------------"
    dBodySetMass( myBody5, myMass2 )
    ' -- Lets position mass at x, y, z
    dBodySetPosition( myBody5, 0, 2, 2 )

    dim JointPoint1 as dJointID = dJointCreateBall( myWorld, 0 )
    dim JointPoint2 as dJointID = dJointCreateBall( myWorld, 0 )
    dim JointPoint3 as dJointID = dJointCreateBall( myWorld, 0 )
    dim JointPoint4 as dJointID = dJointCreateBall( myWorld, 0 )
    dim JointPoint5 as dJointID = dJointCreateBall( myWorld, 0 )
    dim JointPoint6 as dJointID = dJointCreateBall( myWorld, 0 )

    dJointAttach( JointPoint1, myBody1, 0 )
    dJointSetBallAnchor( JointPoint1, 0, 2, 0 )

    dJointAttach( JointPoint2, myBody1, myBody2 )
    dJointSetBallAnchor( JointPoint2, 1, 2, 0 )

    dJointAttach( JointPoint3, myBody2, myBody3 )
    dJointSetBallAnchor( JointPoint3, 1, 2, 1 )

    dJointAttach( JointPoint4, myBody1, myBody3 )
    dJointSetBallAnchor( JointPoint4, 1, 2, 0 )

    dJointAttach( JointPoint5, myBody2, myBody4 )
    dJointSetBallAnchor( JointPoint5, 1, 2, 1 )

    dJointAttach( JointPoint6, myBody3, myBody5 )
    dJointSetBallAnchor( JointPoint6, 0, 2, 1 )

    dim FPS, dt as double
    dim m as single
    dim LoopFlag as BYTE = %TRUE
    dim Clk as long = gettickcount

    tbgl_BackColor 255, 255, 255

    type t_xyz
    x as dReal
    y as dReal
    z as dReal
    end type

    dim xyz0 as t_xyz
    xyz0.x = 0.0
    xyz0.y = 2.0
    xyz0.z = 0.0

    dim xyz1 as t_xyz at dBodyGetPosition ( myBody1 )
    dim xyz2 as t_xyz at dBodyGetPosition ( myBody2 )
    dim xyz3 as t_xyz at dBodyGetPosition ( myBody3 )
    dim xyz4 as t_xyz at dBodyGetPosition ( myBody4 )
    dim xyz5 as t_xyz at dBodyGetPosition ( myBody5 )

    dim Body5Diam as single


    doevents on
    dim i as long

    While LoopFlag

    FPS = tbgl_getFrameRate

    if tbgl_GetWindowKeyState( hWnd, %VK_ESCAPE ) then loopFlag = %FALSE


    tbgl_Camera 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0

    tbgl_translate 0, -1, 0
    tbgl_scale 1, 0, 1


    dt = 1/FPS
    if FPS < 25 then dt = 0.04
    incr i
    if i > 1000 then
    i = 0

    if m < 5 then
    incr m
    dMassSetSphere( myMass2, 2500 * m, 0.05 * m)
    Body5Diam = 0.05 * m
    dBodySetMass( myBody5, myMass2 )
    end if

    tbgl_SetWindowTitle( hWnd, FPS & " - " & time$ & " - " & m)

    end if

    dWorldStep( myWorld, dt )



    sub Render_Scene()
    DrawSphere( xyz1 )

    DrawLine2( xyz0, xyz1 )

    DrawLine2( xyz1, xyz2 )

    DrawSphere( xyz2 )

    DrawLine2( xyz2, xyz3 )

    DrawSphere( xyz3 )

    DrawLine2( xyz1, xyz3 )

    DrawSphere( xyz4 )

    DrawLine2( xyz2, xyz4 )

    DrawSphere( xyz5 , Body5Diam)
    DrawLine2( xyz3, xyz5 )

    end sub

    sub DrawSphere( xyz as t_xyz , optional Diam as single)
    tbgl_Translate xyz.x, xyz.y, xyz.z

    tbgl_color 255, 0, 0
    if Diam = 0 then Diam = 0.05
    tbgl_Sphere diam

    end sub

    sub DrawLine2( P1 as t_xyz, P2 as t_xyz)
    tbgl_color 0, 255, 0
    tbgl_BeginPoly %GL_LINES
    tbgl_Vertex P1.x, P1.y, P1.z
    tbgl_Vertex P2.x, P2.y, P2.z
    end sub

    [/code] | |
    Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 64bit - 32 GB - Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-10855M CPU @ 2.80GHz - NVIDIA Quadro RTX 3000

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Re: ODE Sample #02.02

    Perfect sample Eros,

    here is derived version with some automatic spheres and joints render + black shadow
    ' ODE02.02B - Connecting bodies with joints - more complex variant with some wrappers
    ' With black shadows

    uses "TBGL"

    #include "%APP_INCLUDEPATH%/"

    ' -- This will create window
    dim hWnd as dword = tbgl_CreateWindowEx("ODE 02 - Bodies and joints - Hanged triangle", 640, 480, 32, 0)

    ' -- Yes, to create new world is that easy
    dim myWorld as dWorldID = dWorldCreate

    ' -- Planet Earth
    dWorldSetGravity(myWorld, 0, -9.81, 0)

    ' -- We need some bodies...

    ' -- Procedure returns unique ID
    %SPH_UPPER = SphereBody_Create( 2500, 0.05, 0, 0, 0 )
    %SPH_LOWERLEFT = SphereBody_Create( 2500, 0.05, 1, -1, 0 )
    %SPH_LOWERRIGHT = SphereBody_Create( 2500, 0.05,-1, -1, 0 )
    %SPH_LOWESTLEFT = SphereBody_Create( 2500, 0.05, 1, -1, 1 )
    %SPH_LOWESTRIGHT = SphereBody_Create( 2500, 0.05,-1, -1, 1 )

    ' -- First parameter is presumed joint point
    SphereBody_JointBall_With( %SPH_UPPER , 0 )
    SphereBody_JointBall_With( %SPH_UPPER , %SPH_LOWERLEFT )
    SphereBody_JointBall_With( %SPH_LOWERLEFT , %SPH_LOWERRIGHT )
    SphereBody_JointBall_With( %SPH_LOWERRIGHT , %SPH_UPPER )
    SphereBody_JointBall_With( %SPH_LOWESTLEFT , %SPH_LOWERLEFT )
    SphereBody_JointBall_With( %SPH_LOWESTRIGHT, %SPH_LOWERRIGHT )

    dim FPS, dt as double
    dim m as single = 0.1

    dim Body5Diam as single

    doevents on

    dim i as long

    dim WantColors as byte
    dim WantSimulate as byte = 1

    ' -- Some GL setup
    tbgl_BackColor 255, 255, 255
    tbgl_LineWidth 3
    tbgl_UseLighting 1
    tbgl_UseLightsource %GL_LIGHT0, 1


    While tbgl_IsWindow(hWnd)

    FPS = tbgl_getFrameRate

    if tbgl_GetWindowKeyState( hWnd, %VK_ESCAPE ) then Exit while

    ' -- Pause simulation
    if tbgl_GetWindowKeyonce( hWnd, %VK_SPACE ) then WantSimulate = WantSimulate xor 1


    tbgl_Camera 5, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0
    Render_Scene( -4 )


    incr i
    if i > 1000 then
    i = 0
    tbgl_SetWindowTitle( hWnd, "Frames per second:" & FPS & " - " & time$ & " - Mass of bigger leg: " & m)
    end if

    if WantSimulate then
    dt = 1/FPS
    if FPS < 25 then dt = 0.04

    if m < 5 then
    m += 0.2/FPS
    Body5Diam = 0.05 * m
    SphereBody_SetDensityAndRadius( %SPH_LOWESTRIGHT, 2500 * m, Body5Diam )

    end if

    dWorldStep( myWorld, dt )
    end if



    ' --------------------------------------------
    ' -- Auxiliary procedures, end of main code --
    ' --------------------------------------------

    sub Render_Scene( YOfPlaneOfShadows as single )
    WantColors = 255

    tbgl_translate 0, YOfPlaneOfShadows, 0
    tbgl_scale 1, 0, 1
    WantColors = 0

    end sub

    sub Init_SphereBodies()
    type t_xyz
    x as dReal
    y as dReal
    z as dReal
    end type

    type t_joins
    id1 as long
    id2 as long
    end type

    type tSphereProps
    radius as single
    density as single
    end type

    global mySphereBody( as dBodyID
    global mySphereBodyProperties( as tSphereProps
    global JointPointBall( as dJointID
    global JointPointBallConnections( as t_joins
    global mySphereBodyNum as long
    global mySphereBodyPropsNum as long
    global JointPointBallNum as long
    end sub

    function SphereBody_Create( density as single, radius as single, posX as single, posY as single, posZ as single ) as long

    local mass as dMass

    incr mySphereBodyNum
    if mySphereBodyNum > ubound(mySphereBody) then redim preserve mySphereBody(mySphereBodyNum+7)
    if mySphereBodyPropsNum > ubound(mySphereBodyProperties) then redim preserve mySphereBodyProperties(mySphereBodyPropsNum+7)
    mySphereBody(mySphereBodyNum) = dBodyCreate( myWorld )

    dMassSetSphere( mass, density, radius )
    dBodySetMass( mySphereBody(mySphereBodyNum), mass )
    dBodySetPosition( mySphereBody(mySphereBodyNum), posX, posY, posZ )

    mySphereBodyProperties(mySphereBodyNum).radius = radius
    mySphereBodyProperties(mySphereBodyNum).density = density
    function = mySphereBodyNum

    end function

    sub SphereBody_SetDensityAndRadius( sphereBodyID as dword, density as single, radius as single )

    local mass as dMass
    dMassSetSphere( mass, density, radius )
    dBodySetMass( mySphereBody(sphereBodyID), mass )

    mySphereBodyProperties(mySphereBodyNum).radius = radius
    mySphereBodyProperties(mySphereBodyNum).density = density

    end sub

    sub SphereBody_JointBall_With( sphereBodyID1 as dword, sphereBodyID2 as dword )

    swap sphereBodyID1, sphereBodyID2
    if sphereBodyID1 = 0 then
    dim xyz as t_xyz

    dim xyz as t_xyz at dBodyGetPosition ( mySphereBody(sphereBodyID1) )
    end if

    incr JointPointBallNum
    if JointPointBallNum > ubound(JointPointBall) then
    redim preserve JointPointBall(JointPointBallNum+7)
    redim preserve JointPointBallConnections(JointPointBallNum+7)
    end if

    JointPointBall(JointPointBallNum) = dJointCreateBall( myWorld, 0 )

    dJointAttach( JointPointBall(JointPointBallNum), iif(sphereBodyID1 <> 0, mySphereBody(sphereBodyID1), 0), iif(sphereBodyID2 <> 0, mySphereBody(sphereBodyID2), 0) )
    dJointSetBallAnchor( JointPointBall(JointPointBallNum), xyz.x, xyz.y, xyz.z )

    JointPointBallConnections(JointPointBallNum).id1 = sphereBodyID1
    JointPointBallConnections(JointPointBallNum).id2 = sphereBodyID2

    end sub

    sub SphereBody_RenderAll()
    local i as long

    for i = 1 to mySphereBodyNum

    end sub

    sub SphereBody_Render( sphereBodyID as dword )

    dim xyz as t_xyz at dBodyGetPosition ( mySphereBody(sphereBodyID) )

    tbgl_Translate xyz.x, xyz.y, xyz.z

    tbgl_color WantColors, 0, 0
    tbgl_Sphere mySphereBodyProperties(sphereBodyID).radius


    end sub

    sub SphereBody_RenderConnectionAll()
    local i as long

    for i = 1 to JointPointBallNum

    end sub

    sub SphereBody_RenderConnection( nConnection as long )

    if JointPointBallConnections(nConnection).id1 = 0 then
    dim p1 as t_xyz
    dim p1 as t_xyz at dBodyGetPosition ( mySphereBody(JointPointBallConnections(nConnection).id1) )
    end if

    if JointPointBallConnections(nConnection).id2 = 0 then
    dim p2 as t_xyz
    dim p2 as t_xyz at dBodyGetPosition ( mySphereBody(JointPointBallConnections(nConnection).id2) )
    end if

    tbgl_UseLighting 0
    tbgl_color 0, WantColors/2, 0
    tbgl_BeginPoly %GL_LINES
    tbgl_Vertex P1.x, P1.y, P1.z
    tbgl_Vertex P2.x, P2.y, P2.z
    tbgl_UseLighting 1

    end sub

    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
    Windows 10 64bit - Intel Core i5-3350P @ 3.1GHz - 16 GB RAM - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB

  3. #3
    thinBasic author ErosOlmi's Avatar
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    Re: ODE Sample #02.02

    Wow, Petr, it is very easy to play with objects now.
    A big fun looking at forces and masses interactions

    Maybe this can be the basis for specific SDK or module. A more advanced set of high level functionalities to be used, for example, at school and in some class experiments. This open really a new set of possibilities.

    Friction is missing but for this I need to develop more complex UDT handling :-[ Guilty is still my side in this case!!

    Thanks a lot
    Eros | |
    Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 64bit - 32 GB - Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-10855M CPU @ 2.80GHz - NVIDIA Quadro RTX 3000

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