Hi Eros,
Thanks very much for new Tool - Format Code in ThinAir.
Very, very useful indeed for spacing out code and making it more readable.
I gave it a spin using TAB Editor sourcefile which is quite a lengthy one.
The resultant code formatted file produced a few errors when I ran it however...
This is what I found to be the cause. The comparison operators ">=" and "<=" are translated into the formatted file as "> =" and "< =" (***Note Spaces***)
The spaces can cause script errors by ThinBasic when the formatted sourcefile is run.
After doing a 'replace all' occurrences within the listing to correct these my program ran OK in ThinBasic.
You may have already fixed this but just letting you know in case you are not already aware of the situation, that is all.
It's a fine addition to ThinAir/ThinBasic.