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Thread: Issue with FILE_kill

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Issue with FILE_kill


    I encounter a problem with File_Kill function.

    The part of code I encounter the problem :
    function clean_dir
      nFiles  = DIR_ListArray(MyList, ".", "*", %FILE_NORMAL + %FILE_ADDPATH)
      printl "                                                     nombre de fichier(s)   trouve(s) " , nFiles in c_green
      for ii = 1 to nFiles
        print mylist(ii) , "     " in c_magenta
        printl file_kill(mylist(ii) )
    end function
    This code works correctly with most files, but fails with filename containing accented letters, some are from files transferred fro MAC.

    With unaccented files the retcode is 0 and the file is removed.
    With accented files the retcode is 53 = File not found and obviously the file is NOT removed.

    I suppose that is as the issue I posted 29-01-2024, 19:35 , Eros replyed 14-02-2023, 12:09 about ANSI/OEM/UTF8 conversion ?

    Another little flaw with File_Kill

    If the file name to remove is a subdir, the subdir is not removed, normal it is designed for files.....
    But the return code is 0, which means : No error ...

    Maybe , would it be someting as 75 = Wrong path ?


    Last edited by dco045; 22-11-2024 at 19:56.

  2. #2
    thinBasic MVPs ReneMiner's Avatar
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    The accented-non-accented thing appears to me as a problem of the codepage more than a thinbasic problem
    we will find out,
    open windows explorer, where you can type the path, type %COMSPEC% [enter]
    the windows console will open,into console window type CHCP[enter]
    you will be informed about the currently used codepage, ANSI i guess 850 or 1252 (latin or western europe) if french speaking

    Now thinbasic default works unicode-aware using UTF8 which is a codepage number 65001
    %CP_utf7 = 65000
    %CP_utf8= 65001
    %CP_utf16_LE = 1200   ' this is the WIDECHAR 16 bit on windows
    %CP_utf16_BE = 1201  ' UNIX,Linux,Solarix,Androidix, Macintoshix,ComputerLäuftNix,..
    ANSI/OEM/EBCDIC/BOCU/SCSU are a couple of codepage-collections mostly deprecated

    When you are working with a visible console window, i.e. your code contains
    Uses "console"
    then it were applicable to let
    Console_SetoutputCP( %CP_UTF8 )
    ' Console_SetInputCP( %CP_UTF8 ) might set this to the number <XXX>
    Console_ShowWindow( %Console_SW_SHOWNORMAL )
    and it should go conform with content of thuinbasic UTF8-encoded strings.

    When no visible console window either you use
    string FileToRun = App_Scriptpath & "myBatchfile.bat"
    string FileResult= App_Scriptpath & "reply.txt"
    String myBatchfile ="@echo off" & $CRLF & "chcp >" & FileResult & $crlf & $spc
    File_Save(FileToRun, myBatchfile) 
    Shell FileToRun, "", True
    msgbox "Returned was " & File_load(FileResult)
    ' .bat-scripts are usually ANSI. if your batchfile contains accented chars or the result is unreadable convert
    before saving it and vice versa
    msgbox "Returned was " & AnsiToUtf8$(File_load(FileResult))
    Shell_CaptureOutput can do this without the files on a more direct way since thinbasic takes care of incoming data to be UTF8 (at least i hope so)
    Begin Const
    $_CMD= "%COMSPEC% /C "
    End Const 
    string sAll = Shell_captureOutput( $_CMD & "Dir /a:-d /b" ,"", %SW_HIDE, 20)
    string sCurrDir = Shell_CaptureOutput( $_CMD & "CD", "",%SW_HIDE,10)
    msgbox "Found Files" & $crlf & sAll, %mb_iconInformation, sCurrDir
    String sFile()
    Long numFiles = parse sAll, sFile, $CRLF 
    ' will make an array of all files in sAll
    string isTB = Shell_CaptureOutput( $_CMD & "IF EXIST " & $DQ &  App_Path & "thinbasic.exe" & $DQ & " (ECHO TRUE) ELSE (ECHO FALSE)", "", %SW_HIDE,10)
    msgbox App_Path & "thinbasic.exe EXIST = " & isTB 
    'The parenthesis surrounding ECHO TRUE  and ECHO FALSE prevent from  additional whitespace that might follow after "FALSE" so it will not  return is as "FALSE "
    ' For directories the path must end with backslash when EXIST is used
    gives you an idea.
    Of course you can combine batchfiles and result-files with the direct-method , just for a reminder

    Echo Hello>myFile.txt
    Echo World >>myFile.txt

    the single "arrow >" ovewrites the content of an existing file
    and double "arrow >>" appends it to the existing content.

    Not a programmatic solution were to lauch cmd,
    click on the icon(system-menu) upper left corner and
    check settings,
    then the rightmost tab should also tell the current by the system used codepage that i would try as number <XXX> mentioned above
    Last edited by ReneMiner; 22-11-2024 at 08:11.
    I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReneMiner View Post
    The accented-non-accented thing appears to me as a problem of the codepage more than a thinbasic problem
    we will find out,
    open windows explorer, where you can type the path, type %COMSPEC% [enter]
    the windows console will open,into console window type CHCP[enter]
    you will be informed about the currently used codepage, ANSI i guess 850 or 1252 (latin or western europe) if french speaking

    Now thinbasic default works unicode-aware using UTF8 which is a codepage number 65001
    %CP_utf7 = 65000
    %CP_utf8= 65001
    %CP_utf16_LE = 1200 ' this is the WIDECHAR 16 bit on windows
    %CP_utf16_BE = 1201 ' UNIX,Linux,Solarix,Androidix, Macintoshix,ComputerLäuftNix,..
    Hello Rene,

    I'm perfectly aware of code pages.
    The post is to point that two functions of ThinBasic, used in the same script, in the same sub, don't agree with code pages.
    Someware, the same kind of problem was pointed to, and Eros corrected the flaw.

    Echo Hello>myFile.txt
    Echo World >>myFile.txt

    the single "arrow >" ovewrites the content of an existing file
    and double "arrow >>" appends it to the existing content.
    Thanks for the explain of redirections. As you can read in my profile, I was Unix sys-admin for 20 years


  4. #4
    thinBasic author ErosOlmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dco045 View Post

    I encounter a problem with File_Kill function.

    The part of code I encounter the problem :
    function clean_dir
      nFiles  = DIR_ListArray(MyList, ".", "*", %FILE_NORMAL + %FILE_ADDPATH)
      printl "                                                     nombre de fichier(s)   trouve(s) " , nFiles in c_green
      for ii = 1 to nFiles
        print mylist(ii) , "     " in c_magenta
        printl file_kill(mylist(ii) )
    end function
    This code works correctly with most files, but fails with filename containing accented letters, some are from files transferred fro MAC.

    With unaccented files the retcode is 0 and the file is removed.
    With accented files the retcode is 53 = File not found and obviously the file is NOT removed.

    I suppose that is as the issue I posted 29-01-2024, 19:35 , Eros replyed 14-02-2023, 12:09 about ANSI/OEM/UTF8 conversion ?

    Another little flaw with File_Kill

    If the file name to remove is a subdir, the subdir is not removed, normal it is designed for files.....
    But the return code is 0, which means : No error ...

    Maybe , would it be someting as 75 = Wrong path ?


    Hi Dany, can you please attach a file (even empty file) with the name creating problems in File_Kill?
    I'm trying to reproduce the problem on my computer but File_Kill seems working fine with accented chars like èùàòéì.
    So I think I'm missing something | |
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  5. #5
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Hi Dany,

    tried it on my PC and also could not get the files to remain undeleted.

    If you can pack a directory with the offending files, it would help greatly!

    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
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