Can't edit previous post.
The need for thinAir to indent code is the warning message appearing in this script.
I really don't see where a if/then block violation is
Uses "Console"
dim prg_version as string = "1.5.0"
dim buffer_by_lines as string = "2024-03-31 03:00:00+0200;746,4"
dim n_ligne as long ' compteur
dim c_yellow as integer value 14
printl "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
printl "starting"
for n_ligne = 2 to 4
print "in n_ligne loop n_ligne =" , n_ligne , " | "
if parsecount( buffer_by_lines , ";" ) = 2 then ' line with extra fields are ignored
printl "bad line"
buffer_by_lines += " ; extra field"
next ' n_ligne = 2 to n_lines
printl "After n_ligne loop n_lines =" , n_ligne
printl $crlf, "waiting 10 seconds." in c_yellow
if waitkey (10) = "[TIMEOUT]" then stop
printl "Paused"
Here is a screen snapshot of ThinAir showing the warning
The script is a reduced part of a more complex script but the script does correctly his work ?
Best regards,