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Thread: thinBasic-project 1.2021

  1. #1
    thinBasic MVPs
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
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    thinBasic-project 1.2021

    The problem is, when i open a thinBasic-script it instantly is code.
    ThinAir should "learn" to apply all those things that were just checkboxes Option Explicit or the bundle options a few dropdowns, even the list of included files and directories - adding to be done with a common dialog or remove clicking a button for that and the editor will write it somewhere as this
    <?thinBasic version="1.2021.0.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <project name="myProject" MinVersion="1.2021" >
           <directive="Option Explicit"/>
           <bundle file="file" source="..." destination="..." Option="Value" />
           <bundle icon="..." />
           <bundle type="GUI"/>
          <bundle version="versioninfo" comment="comment" author="the Authorities etc."/>
           <use module="UI" />
           <use module="tokenizer" />
           <use module="ini" />
             <IncludeDir="….." />
             <Include="file.tbasicI" once="True" delayed="False" />
          <Resource file="myRes.rc" />
            <compiled region="1" name="name of compiled region to name the dll after" _
    file="name of scriptfile that contains  the region" line="..." language="powerbasic"/>
        <!-- scriptfile and line were if thinAir displays compiled sections as well as udts, subs and functions in separate codewindows to keep track on the position within the project -->  
            <compiled region="2" name="name of compiled region to name the dll after" _
    file="name of scriptfile that contains  
    the region" line="..." language="freebasic"/>
           <compiled region="3" name="name of compiled region to name the dll after" _
    file="name of scriptfile that contains  
    the region" line="..." language="visualbasic6"/>
           <!-- were also nice if the name of the compiled section could be used as _
    a CallCompiled "region"  to change the behaviour of a compiled function completely -->
      <type name="myUDT">
       Type myUdt
          x as whatever
    ' here a type definition including all its methoods & properties -complete all the code until:
       End Type
    <union name ="someUnion">
       union someUnion
     ' also to be displayed on a separated page in the editor 
        RGBA(4) as Byte
        lColor As Long
      end union
        '  here: a section on displayed top within the editor but actually placed to be very last of all
        '   declarations section will contain all global dimensioned and declared stuff, equates and
    ' actually anything must be written into a declarations section. depending on the first keyword 
    'of the line the enter-key will transfer the line to be another section of code, that might be 
    ' keywords as "Type" or "Callback" or "Compiled", "Begin", "Function" or "Sub"-
     ' typed into declarations section will open a new codewindow/jump there in full view or 
    ' display every region as a separate page. if typing one of those keywords in other sections than 
    ' within declarations means either the function or sub belongs to the type above or are part of 
    ' the compiled region.  As a Sub within another sub is impossible thinAir could bug the user...   
    ' so here is some code that is outside any functions, type-definitions and compiled-regions. 
    ' This should be collected in  older scripts to be placed at the very end of the script 
    ' that thincore will get to execute.
    <entry point="TBMain>
    Function TBMain()
    ' to be displaed on top of the code, right after declarations, actually the last function so thincore
    ' has to go over all the code before it gets here.  
    End Function
    ' HERE WILL NEVER ANYTHING EXIST - the line above is the last of the project
    <script name="file.tbasicI" >
         <!-- a placeholder actually that thinAir knows where the include is to position in view -->
    <script name="myProjectmainscriptfile.tBasic">
      ' this is actually the main scripts program code that were in front of the declarations on execution
    ' all here must be inside of a function or sub so its likely to offer the view "by function" also
    ' its also an idea to provide a section of things to do when the program ends which is just a reminder only...
    a little bit of structure... already ordered by the editor and a few rules to follow - actually is forcing the user to provide code in a certain order would certainly make it easier to exclude some error-sources.
    Users can not handle too much freedom. They need limitations to break them down
    Last edited by ReneMiner; 04-05-2021 at 23:32.
    I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Keralam, India
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    You mean, like the Add reference dialog in Visual Studio ?
    Thants a good idea.
    Well, I ThinBundle has a problem. It wants us to turn off the antivirus to do the bundling.

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