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Thread: Questions about SDK-functions (Syntax, Parameters etc.)

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  1. #1
    thinBasic MVPs
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    Oct 2012
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    Questions about SDK-functions (Syntax, Parameters etc.)

    my question of today is about thinBasic_GetKeywordSpeficic

    All i know is
      ' Instruct parser to get next token, test if it a keyword and if yes,
      ' check if it is one of the possible keywords passed. If not, a RT-Error
      ' will be generated
    DECLARE FUNCTION  thinBasic_GetKeywordSpeficic                  _
                              LIB "thinCore.DLL"                      _
                              ALIAS "thinBasic_GetKeywordSpeficic"    _
                              (                                       _
                                          BYVAL HideError   AS LONG , _
                                          BYVAL AutoPutBack AS LONG , _
                                          BYVAL lKey1   AS LONG     , _
                                 OPTIONAL BYVAL lKey2   AS LONG     , _
                                          BYVAL lKey3   AS LONG     , _
                                          BYVAL lKey4   AS LONG     , _
                                          BYVAL lKey5   AS LONG     , _
                                          BYVAL lKey6   AS LONG     , _
                                          BYVAL lKey7   AS LONG     , _
                                          BYVAL lKey8   AS LONG     , _
                                          BYVAL lKey9   AS LONG     , _
                                          BYVAL lKey10  AS LONG     , _
                                          BYVAL lKey11  AS LONG     , _
                                          BYVAL lKey12  AS LONG     , _
                                          BYVAL lKey13  AS LONG     , _
                                          BYVAL lKey14  AS LONG     , _
                                          BYVAL lKey15  AS LONG     , _
                                          BYVAL lKey16  AS LONG     , _
                                          BYVAL lKey17  AS LONG     , _
                                          BYVAL lKey18  AS LONG     , _
                                          BYVAL lKey19  AS LONG     , _
                                          ByVal lKey20  As Long     , _
                                          ByVal lKey21  As Long     , _
                                          ByVal lKey22  As Long     , _
                                          ByVal lKey23  As Long     , _
                                          ByVal lKey24  As Long     , _
                                          ByVal lKey25  As Long       _
                              ) As Long
    i guess i have to store up to 25 different keywords to lKey1 to lKey25 ?
    What is the rule? why "As Long? Will it return the number 1 to 25 telling me the keyword? isn't it possible without to create an Error?
    Last edited by ReneMiner; 22-01-2021 at 20:31.
    I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support

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