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Thread: New text adventure

  1. #1

    Red face New text adventure


    "Even The Devil Must Die" by Mark Hancox (c)2003 Interactive fiction retrogame is ready for playtesting.

    This is an offline, parser-based text adventure and runs on Windows XP and above. (English language)
    2020 Conversion with "Thinbasic Adventure Builder" by catventure May 2020.

    ITo check out and try or playtest here is a download link: (7mb - includes 3 music mp3's)

    **Special Note: When starting the program(s) it's possible that some virus checkers may produce a "false-positive" warning. You may need to tell your antivirus software to create an 'exception' for the game app(s) in order to allow it to run**

    Happy Isolation and lockdown,

    Last edited by catventure; 08-05-2020 at 12:30. - Home Of The ThinBasic Adventure Builder Project. (Interactive Fiction/Text Adventure Maker)

  2. #2
    Posted minor update today:
    To check out and try or playtest here is a download link: (7mb - includes 3 music mp3's)

    catventure. - Home Of The ThinBasic Adventure Builder Project. (Interactive Fiction/Text Adventure Maker)

  3. #3
    Nice game, I played it for about 10 minutes tonight. The music adds a lot of atmosphere to the game, I see it was created by Eric Matyas. I'd listened to some of his music before, he used to post on another forum I used to use.
    Operating System: Windows 10 Home 64-bit
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  4. #4
    Hi Matthew,
    Thanks for taking the time to try it out.

    catventure. - Home Of The ThinBasic Adventure Builder Project. (Interactive Fiction/Text Adventure Maker)

  5. #5
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Hi Phil,

    I promoted this on thinBasic facebook page:

    Very moody, thank you!

    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
    Windows 10 64bit - Intel Core i5-3350P @ 3.1GHz - 16 GB RAM - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB

  6. #6

    Gfx test required

    Please can someone check this small graphic demo adventure game to see if it runs on their Windows system Ok and if the game gfx load and are sized in the graphicboxes properly (centered).
    I need to know if the graphics show up as in the below image and if the short video appears in the middle graphicbox when you have typed your first input command into the lower textbox eg: type in "east" (without quotes)
    You can exit the video with the <ESC> key or just wait for it to end.

    Thanks a lot.
    Link to demo:

    **Special Note: When starting the program(s) it's possible that some virus checkers may produce a "false-positive" warning. You may need to tell your antivirus software to create an 'exception' for the game app(s) in order to allow it to run**

    gfxdemo.jpg - Home Of The ThinBasic Adventure Builder Project. (Interactive Fiction/Text Adventure Maker)

  7. #7
    Hi Catventure!

    centre picture is deformed when resizing the window.
    centre picture is truncated at right side when video is playing ( text not fully shown ).
    window behaves modal and I feel it very annoying.

    ThinBasic ALPHA - Windows 8.1 x64

  8. #8
    Thanks DirectuX,

    Although the video works OK on Windows Vista, my tester has reported same thing. I think it to do with the placement code for the movie I used...
    I used the mcivideo.INC file by Michael Hartlef which uses the winmm.dll and I think have my width and height parameters wrong somehow as the movie should be positioned centrally on the graphicbox canvas.
    I used the code:

    PlaceMovie( 0, 0, twidth*2, theight*2 )

    to position the movie, but although works on Vista fine, don't think the co-ordinates right to centrally position movie and size it to fit in the box correctly.
    Been really bugging me a while - Maybe Michael can help fathom it or put me on right track?
    I am hobby coder not pro.

    Last edited by catventure; 17-06-2020 at 22:02. - Home Of The ThinBasic Adventure Builder Project. (Interactive Fiction/Text Adventure Maker)

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by catventure View Post
    I think have my width and height parameters wrong somehow as the movie should be positioned centrally on the graphicbox canvas.
    I used the code:

    PlaceMovie( 0, 0, twidth*2, theight*2 )

    to position the movie, but although works on Vista fine, don't think the co-ordinates right to centrally position movie and size it to fit in the box correctly.
    Been really bugging me a while
    Difficult if you haven't the right environment to test.
    Maybe an idea : downsize the video placement for start then gradually increase up to good then display parameters values then includes them into code.
    Have you a definition for twidth or theight ? Is it window-based placement or something ?

    Edit: I've just looked at your video file : it isn't square but you try to display it in a square place. Maybe it comes from that, the video if height fitted rather than width fitted in your display. Try a square video or try setting fit-width or try setting square ratio or allow more room for video (320x240)
    Last edited by DirectuX; 17-06-2020 at 22:16.
    ThinBasic ALPHA - Windows 8.1 x64

  10. #10

    On Vista I can play different size vids in my program and youtube vids for instance as long as they converted in .wmv format for the mcivideo.INC commands to work.
    And they are positioned and sized correctly by my below bits of code.

    Here is the part of the code that loads and plays the videos that I made:

    'Plays movie in listview control
    IF INSTR( checkact, "playmovie2" ) = 1 AND displaymode = 2 THEN
            Local filename As String
            filename = APP_SourcePath + gfxfolder + Mid$( checkact, 11 )
            IF FILE_EXISTS( filename ) = %FALSE THEN
                MSGBOX hwnd, filename + " does not exist.", %MB_ICONERROR OR %MB_OK, "TAB Warning"
                EXIT FUNCTION
                Local hCanvas As Long
                Control Handle hwnd, %id_listview2 To hCanvas
                Local twidth, theight As Long
                Dialog Get Size hcanvas To twidth, theight
                MENU SET STATE hpopup1, BYCMD %ID_OPEN, %MF_DISABLED OR %mf_grayed
                MENU SET STATE hpopup1, BYCMD %ID_NEWGAME, %MF_DISABLED OR %mf_grayed
                MENU SET STATE hpopup1, BYCMD %ID_SAVEGAME, %MF_DISABLED OR %mf_grayed
                MENU SET STATE hpopup1, BYCMD %ID_LOADGAME, %MF_DISABLED OR %mf_grayed
                MENU SET STATE hpopup1, BYCMD %transcript, %MF_DISABLED OR %mf_grayed
                MENU Set State hpopup1, ByCMD %transcriptoff,%MF_DISABLED Or %MF_GRAYED 
                MENU Set State hpopup1, ByCMD %id_exitgame, %MF_DISABLED Or %MF_GRAYED
                OpenMovie( hCanvas, filename )
                PlayMovie( )
                PlaceMovie( 0, 0, twidth*2, theight*2 )
                movieon = 1
                Dialog Disable hwnd
                    Control Set Focus hwnd,%id_richedit4
                    IF GETWINDOWKEYSTATE( hwnd, %vk_escape ) THEN
                        EXIT DO
                    END IF
                    If IsMoviePlaying( ) = %FALSE And movieon > 0 Then
                    END IF
                LOOP UNTIL movieon = 0
                EXIT FUNCTION
            END IF
        END IF

    Following alternative code also will work fine on my system:

    ' Tried using label control INSTEAD and also with label control on top of listview control as below
    'Plays movie in LABEL control overlaid over listbox control
        IF INSTR( checkact, "playmovie2" ) = 1 AND displaymode = 2 THEN
            Local filename As String
            filename = APP_SourcePath + gfxfolder + Mid$( checkact, 11 )
            IF FILE_EXISTS( filename ) = %FALSE THEN
                MSGBOX hwnd, filename + " does not exist.", %MB_ICONERROR OR %MB_OK, "TAB Warning"
                EXIT FUNCTION
               Local hCanvas As Long 
                Control Handle hwnd, %id_listview2 To hCanvas
                Local twidth, theight, xloc, yloc As Long
                Dialog Get Size hcanvas To twidth, theight
                Dialog Get Loc hcanvas To xloc, yloc
                Control Add Label, hwnd, %ID_textview, "", xloc, yloc, twidth, theight, %SS_BITMAP        
                Control Handle hwnd, %id_textview To hCanvas           
                MENU SET STATE hpopup1, BYCMD %ID_OPEN, %MF_DISABLED OR %mf_grayed
                MENU SET STATE hpopup1, BYCMD %ID_NEWGAME, %MF_DISABLED OR %mf_grayed
                MENU SET STATE hpopup1, BYCMD %ID_SAVEGAME, %MF_DISABLED OR %mf_grayed
                MENU SET STATE hpopup1, BYCMD %ID_LOADGAME, %MF_DISABLED OR %mf_grayed
                MENU SET STATE hpopup1, BYCMD %transcript, %MF_DISABLED OR %mf_grayed
                MENU Set State hpopup1, ByCMD %transcriptoff,%MF_DISABLED Or %MF_GRAYED 
                MENU Set State hpopup1, ByCMD %id_exitgame, %MF_DISABLED Or %MF_GRAYED
                OpenMovie( hCanvas, filename )
                PlayMovie( )
                PlaceMovie( 0, 0, twidth*2, theight*2 )
                movieon = 1
                Dialog Disable hwnd
                CONTROL DISABLE hwnd, %id_textbox2
                    IF GETWINDOWKEYSTATE( hwnd, %vk_escape ) THEN
                        EXIT DO
                    END IF
                    IF IsMoviePlaying( ) = %false AND movieon > 0 THEN
                        closemovie( )
                        movieon = 0
                        dialog enable hwnd
                        MENU SET STATE hpopup1, BYCMD %ID_OPEN, %MF_ENABLED
                        MENU SET STATE hpopup1, BYCMD %ID_NEWGAME, %MF_ENABLED
                        MENU SET STATE hpopup1, BYCMD %ID_SAVEGAME, %MF_ENABLED
                        MENU SET STATE hpopup1, BYCMD %ID_LOADGAME, %MF_ENABLED
                        MENU SET STATE hpopup1, BYCMD %transcript, %MF_ENABLED
                        MENU Set State hpopup1, ByCMD %transcriptoff, %MF_ENABLED
                        MENU Set State hpopup1, ByCMD %id_exitgame, %MF_ENABLED
                        CONTROL KILL hwnd, %id_textview
                        CONTROL ENABLE hwnd, %id_textbox2
                        GETWINDOWKEYSTATE( hwnd, - 1 )
                        CONTROL SET TEXT hwnd, %id_textbox2, ""
                        CONTROL SET FOCUS hwnd, %id_textbox2
                    END IF
                LOOP UNTIL movieon = 0
                EXIT FUNCTION
            END IF
        END IF

    For some reason that I can't figure this code is not displaying the video in the centre box at the correct size in the demo I posted for some people!!
    I messaged Michael Hartlef from twitter to see if could help throw some light on it.
    There is something I am not understanding correctly probably.

    Here is picture of video running perfectly in lower box on mine:

    catventure. - Home Of The ThinBasic Adventure Builder Project. (Interactive Fiction/Text Adventure Maker)

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