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Thread: How to command line arguments in Thinbasic ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Keralam, India
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    How to command line arguments in Thinbasic ?

    Hi all,
    I need to get the cmd line arguments in my script.
    This is not working. Please help. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Keralam, India
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    I found the answer.
    First, I experimented with OS_GetCommand at the middle of my script. Then I paste the code to start of the script and it worked. But It dosen't catch the string inside quotes. For example,
    Assume that these are command line args
    SampleText1 "Sample Sample Sample text2"
    I need thinbasic to extract this a 2 commands.
    1. SampleText1
    2. "Sample Sample Sample text2"

    But thinbasic is extracting this args like this.
    1. SampleText1
    2. "Sample
    See. It stopped reading when the first space occurrance.
    I can't use OS_CommandsSetSep here.

    Edit "---------------------------------------------"
    ThinBasic saved me again.
    I use this to solve the problem
    Dim FullCmd as String = OS_GetCommand(0)
    Dim WorkingDir As String = GRAB$(FullCmd, Chr$(34), Chr$(34))
    So I get the proper string. Thanks.
    Last edited by kcvinu; 04-05-2021 at 16:52.

  3. #3
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    by default, thinBasic uses the following chars as separators:
    double quote, space, equal, minus

    To solve your case, you can go the following way:
    uses "os", "console"
    OS_CommandsSetSep(" ") ' Force just space to be a separator
    long i
    for i = 1 to os_getcommands
      printl OS_GetCommand(i)
    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
    Windows 10 64bit - Intel Core i5-3350P @ 3.1GHz - 16 GB RAM - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB

  4. #4
    Thx for answer and help!

  5. #5
    thinBasic MVPs
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
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    Thats also some way of commandline use... 5 Steps to repair your Windows

    system image repair script

    (required 7z.exe & 7z.dll and your windows installation media)

    this uses DISM via Batch to proceed 5 steps of scanning, cleaning, repairing checking and verifying
    the integrity of your windows components. It requires to repair some windows install media file
    (install.wim) usually located in the sources-folder of a windows installation disk. Mostly these contain
    multiple products as Windows Home, Pro, Education etc. the script will find the matching images
    index - important that your image-version is not too much different from your systems build.
    if your windows is maybe 10.0.19041 then you should not use anything lower than 10.0.18042
    and the other way: if you have an install-media with a build number higher than your current os
    then do not bother to repair but boot or load setup from the media sources and select "Update only"
    that will not overwrite any of your data nor format your drive and whatever drives you to feel in
    need to repair something of your os might be fixed in the newer version of windows.
    Anyway the first two steps will tell you whether your system image is healthy or not and step 3
    would repair corrupted data, step 4 is to check the integrity of the repairs and the final scan will
    test the complete image to be able to announce a reliable result. Depending on your system all
    can be done within 2 and 35 minutes.
    If Dism complains about invalid syntax or unknown commands then your system is really in bad
    condition. Run CMD as Admin and enter "sfc /scanNow"
    btw.for thinAir.exe and thinBasic.exe i have set compatibillity-settings - both run as Admin always
    so i dont know if you require elevated rights

    uses "Console", "Ini", "UI"
    '  this script makes use of commandline functions and of the 7z-commandline-version
    ' to get access to all by 7z supported types of archives. If 7z is installed on your pc
    ' it might find it through registry-settings. If you have it somewhere - unregistered - and its not 
    ' somewhere nearby the script  it will prompt you to point a location or to download it 
    ' It uses 7z.exe and 7z.dll only, so its enough to have these 2 files somewhere but since 7z.exe
    ' will not work without 7z.dll - both files should be in the same directory
    ' Here it's used to search some information about windows image media (wim-files).
    '### 7z ### 7z ### 7z ### 7z ### 7z ### 7z ### 7z ### 7z ### 7z ### 7z ### 
    '      #############################################=+
    '      ##############################################+
    '      ####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+*##=.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.-=###+
    '      ##=+                -=##=.              .-=###+
    '      ###=~-+***++~-.    -=###=.              .-=###+                                                  **
    '      #########=*+-.    -~+*##=.              .-=###+
    '      #######=*+-.    -~+*=###=.              .-=###+
    '      #####=*+-.    -~+*=#####=~ ............ .-=###+
    '      ###=*+-.    -~+*=#######=. =##########= .~=###+
    '      #####=     .~+*=########=.      +=#=+-  .-=###+
    '      ####=.    .~=###########=.     +=#=+-   .-=###+
    '      ####=    .=#############=.    +=#=+-    .-=###+
    '      ###=~    .=#############=.   +=#=+-     .-=###+
    '      ###=~    .+=############=.  +=#=+-....  .-=###+
    '      ####=   .=##############=. ~=########=+ .-=###+
    '      #####=..~=##############=................~=###+
    '      #########################===============+*=###+
    '      ##############################################+
    '             (c) by Igor Pavlov 1999 - 2019
    ' credits for his great, worldwide appreciated, outstanding tool 
    '                 to the genious IGOR PAVLOV 
    '  for further information and the latest updates on 7z visit
    '                    ###################
    '                    #                      #
    '                    #                     #
    '                    ###################
    '  find help and support about 7z on:
    ' If your windows installation media comes as .ESD-file look for
    ' a tool named "DISM++' that is capable of extracting data from
    ' esd to become generic wim .
    ' Anything else here is just minimum of commandline-functions (extracted of a unit that covers 
    ' nearly all commandline-keywords but its size would not make sense with the just 5 executed 
    ' commands of this script , a tiny bit of UI for the dialogs only and ini  for this and that
    FUNCTION Exist(byval sPath as string) as Boolean
    ' commandline-check if a pathname is an existing object. 
    ' Must end with "\" to test for a folder
    ' may contain %environment_variables% and wildcards * ?
        string sCMD, sResult
        if lenf(sPath) then 
            sCMD = "cmd.exe /c " & $DQ & "cmd /c IF EXIST " & IIf$(instr(sPath, Any $MustBeQuoted,1), wrap$(sPath, $DQ, $DQ), sPath) & " ECHO TRUE ELSE ECHO FALSE " & $DQ 
            sResult  = Shell_CaptureOutput(sCMD,"", %sw_HIDE, 2000)
          function = ( instr(sResult, "TRUE", 1) <>0 )
    End Function
    function Reg_FixRoot(byref sKey as string) as Boolean
        ' check for the correct abbrev.
        sKey = ucase$(sKey)
        if instr(sKey,"HKEY",1) then 
            sKey = Replace$(sKey,"HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\", "HKCR\")
            sKey = Replace$(sKey,"HKEYCR\", "HKCR\")
            sKey = Replace$(sKey,"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\", "HKCU\")
            sKey = Replace$(sKey,"HKEYCU\", "HKCU\")
            sKey = Replace$(sKey,"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\", "HKLM\")
            sKey = Replace$(sKey,"HKEYLM\", "HKLM\")                
            sKey = Replace$(sKey,"HKEY_USERS\", "HKU\")
            sKey = Replace$(sKey,"HKEYU\", "HKU\")
            sKey = Replace$(sKey,"HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\", "HKCC\")
            sKey = Replace$(sKey,"HKEYCC\", "HKCC\")
    End Function
    function Reg_GetVal( byval sKeyPath as string,
                  optional byval sSetting as string ) as string 
        ' returns the value for ONE in sSetting specified setting as string
        ' this function will not take wildcards (*) since it returns a specific setting only
        ' pass "" or "@"  to sSetting to get the standard settings value
        ' or pass a name of the setting thats value you request
        ' returns "" if setting is empty (Reg_SZ, Reg_MultiSZ or Reg_ExpandSZ, Reg_BINARY)
       '              "0x00000000" Dword (10 digits including 0x)
       ' 0x0000000000000000 QWORD
        '  if startswith(sResult, $NUL) then 
        '    means Error
        '     if lenf(sResult) = 1  then 
        '           means error in the parameters that you passed 
        '     else 
        '          Error-message = remove$(sResult,$NUL) 
        '          ( localized to users language )
        '     Endif 
        ' for remotecomputers only HKU and HKLM are available 
        string sResult, sPart()
        long nParts 
        if lenf(sKeypath) < 5 then return $nul
        if instr(sSetting, "*",  1) then return $Nul 
        select case ucase$(sSetting)
            case "", "@", "/VE"
                sSetting ="/ve"
            case else 
                if startswith(ucase$(sSetting), "/V ") then RETURN $nul
                if instr(sSetting, $Spc, 1) then 
                    sSetting = "/v " & $dq & sSetting & $dq
                    sSetting = "/v " & sSetting
                sSetting &= " /reg:64"
        end select 
        sResult = Shell_CaptureOutput("Reg Query " & $DQ & sKeypath & $DQ & $spc & sSetting, ,%SW_Hide, 1500)
        while instr(sResult,"     ",1)
            sResult=replace$(sResult, "     ","    ")
        nParts=Parse sResult, sPart, "    " 
        if nParts < 4 then return $NUL & sResult 
        WHILE nParts >= 4
            sPart(nParts)=remove$(sPart(nParts), any $DQ & crlf)
            if lenf(sPart(nParts)) then return sPart(nParts)
            decr nParts 
        function = ""
    end function 
    function LocateInstallWim( byref toPath   as string, 
                               byval sProduct as string,
                               byval sBuild   as string ) as Long
    ' returns image-index 
    ' byref passed  toPath will hold the selected path then
    string sPath, sData, sVersion, sImage()
    long nImages, i    , b1, b2, b3
        toPath = Dialog_OpenFile(%hwnd_desktop, "Select your installation media", 
            sLastMediapath, "Windows Install Media (*.WIM)|*.wim|All Files (*.*)|*.*", 
            "Install.wim", %OFN_EXTENSIONDIFFERENT | %OFN_EXPLORER |
        if toPath = "" then return 0
        if $7z="NoCheck" then return 1
        printl "Verify build and product..." in %ccolor_fyellow
        nImages = parse toPath, sImage, "\" 
        sLastMediaPath = remove$(toPath, sImage(nImages))
        ini_setkey(APP_IniFile, "LastMedia", "Path",  sLastMediaPath)
        shell( $7z ," e " & toPath & " -o" & App_scriptpath & " -aoa [1].xml" )
        sData=Load_File(APP_ScriptPath & "[1].xml")
        if not IsUtf8(sData) then sData = WideCharToUTF8$(sData)
        sVersion = GrabF$(sData, "<PKEYCONFIGVERSION>","</PKEYCONFIGVERSION>")
        if lenf(sVersion) = 0 then  
            printl "No build version found" in %ccolor_flightred
            if instr(sVersion, ";", 1) then sVersion=leftf$(sVersion, instr(sVersion, ";", 1) - 1)
            printl "Build version detected: " & sVersion in %CColor_fintensewhite 
            parse sBuild, sImage, "."
            while nImages < ubound(sImage)
                if startswith(sVersion, sImage(1)) then 
                    incr nImages 
                    sImage(1) &= "." & sImage(nImages)
                    exit While
            printl $Divide in %CCOLOR_FLIGHTCYAN
            select case nImages
                Case 1
                    printl "Not matching Windows " & str$(sImage(1)) in %ccolor_flightred 
                    printl "this is for sure not a source to repair your OS"
                    return 0
                case 2
                    printl "Matching Windows " & sImage(1) & ", but not the same edition." in %ccolor_fyellow
                    printl "Can not be the media of your installation." in %ccolor_flightred 
                    printl "insufficient match " & sImage(1) & "." & sImage(2) in %ccolor_flightred 
                    return 0
                case 3 
                    printl "Matching your windows version" & sImage(1) & "." & sImage(2) in %ccolor_flightgreen 
                   printl "But a different build :" & sImage(3) in %ccolor_fyellow
                   sVersion = rightf$(sVersion, lenf(sVersion) -( lenf(sImage(1)) +lenf(sImage(2))+2))
                   sVersion = leftf$(sVersion, instr(sVersion,".",1)-1)
                   b1= val(sImage(3))
                   b2= val(sVersion)
                   if b2 + 999 < b1 then 
                        printl "This image " & sVersion & " is too old to be used for repairs of " & sImage(3) in %ccolor_flightred
                    elseif b1 +500 < b2 Then
                        printl "Your installed OS is way older than the selected windows image" & sVersion in %ccolor_flightred
                        printl "Recommended to upgrade over repair. Boot the media or choose setup from sources and select update only" in %ccolor_flightblue
                    elseif b1 < b2 then 
                        printl "Your installed OS is slightly older than the selected windows image" & sVersion in %ccolor_fyelLOW
                        printl "If your installation needs to be fixed it were probably better to think about" in %ccolor_flightblue
                        printl "upgrading your windows to " & version & " instead of repairing issues that might be" in %ccolor_flightblue
                        printl "fixed already in the newer version. Boot the media or choose setup from sources and select update only" in %ccolor_flightblue
                case 4
                    printl "Matching build detected. It is another revision" & str(sImage(4)) in %ccolor_fyelLOW
                    printl "but can be used for repairs." in %ccolor_flightgreen 
                    b1 = val(sImage(4)) 
                    b2 = val(rightf$(sVersion, lenf(sVersion)-instr(sVersion,".",3)))
                    if b2 > b1 Then
                        printl "If your OS is having any problems, especially such that appeared repeatedly"  in %ccolor_fyelLOW
                        printl "and were fixed before you should consider to upgrade windows using the image"  in %ccolor_fyelLOW
                        printl "that you selected as repair-source. Start as if you want to install - but then"  in %ccolor_flightblue
                        printl "when you are asked what to do, select update only and there is a good chance"  in %ccolor_fyelLOW
                        printl "that the reason of your issue is already fixed in the newer version."  in %ccolor_fyelLOW
                case 5
                    printl "Matching 100%. Its an identical source, fitting exactly and can be" in %ccolor_flightgreen 
                    printl "used to repair your installation without any doubt" in %ccolor_flightgreen 
            End Select
        printl $Divide in %CCOLOR_FLIGHTCYAN    
        nImages=parse sData, sImage, "<IMAGE INDEX=" & $DQ
        if nImages > 1 then 
            for i= 1 to nImages - 1
                sImage(i) = grabf$(sImage(i+1), "<DISPLAYNAME>", "</DISPLAYNAME>")
                printl i, sImage(i)
                if ucase$(sProduct) = ucase$(sImage(i)) then 
                    PRINTL "Image " & tstr$(i) & " contains the same type of product as the one that you have installed" in %ccolor_fLightblue
                    return i
        printl $Divide in %CCOLOR_FLIGHTCYAN
        printl "There was no matching product to your current OS found." in %ccolor_flightmagenta
        printl "I am not able to decide which or if any of this disk is" in %ccolor_flightmagenta
        printl "the correct image and could be used without a doubt." in %ccolor_flightmagenta
        FUNCTION = -1
    end function
    function Detect_7z()  as string 
        long lPos, nFiles
        local b as byte at 0
        string sPath, s7z, sFile()
        s7z = Reg_getval("HKLM\SOFTWARE\7-Zip", "Path")
        if all(lenf(s7z), not startswith(s7z, $Nul) ) then 
            s7z &= "7z.exe"
            if exist(s7z) then 
                if exist( replace$(s7z, "exe", "dll" ) ) then return s7Z
        s7z = Reg_GetVal( "HKCR\7-Zip.7z\shell\open\command" )
        if all(lenf(s7z), not startswith(s7z, $Nul), not startswith(s7z, "(") ) then 
            IF ENDSWITh(ucase$(s7z), "7ZFM.EXE %1") then s7z = leftf$(s7z, lenf(s7z) - 9 ) & ".exe"
            if exist(s7z) then 
                if exist( replace$(s7z, "exe", "dll" ) )then return s7Z
        s7z = Shell_CaptureOutput( "Dir " & $DQ & APP_Path & "*7z.exe /a-D /b /s", "", %sw_hide, 250)
        if not instr(ucase$(s7z), "7Z.EXE", 1 ) then 
            s7z = Shell_CaptureOutput( "Dir " & $DQ & APP_scriptPath & "*7z.exe /a-D /b /s", "", %sw_hide, 250)
            if not instr(ucase$(s7z), "7Z.EXE", 1 ) then 
                s7z = Shell_CaptureOutput    ("Dir ""%programfiles% (x86)\7*z*\7z.exe"" /a-D /b", "", %sw_hide, 250)
                if not instr(ucase$(s7z), "7Z.EXE", 1 ) then 
                    s7z = Shell_CaptureOutput    ("Dir ""%programfiles%\7*z*\7z.exe"" /a-D /b", "", %sw_hide, 250)
        if instr(ucase$(s7z), "7Z.EXE", 1) Then
            nFiles = parse s7z, sFile, crlf 
            lPos = 1
            while nFiles >= lPos 
                IF ENDSWITH(S7z,"7Z.EXE") then 
                    sFile(1)=replace$(s7z, ".EXE", ".DLL")
                    if exist(sFile(1)) then 
                        if Exist(s7z) then return s7Z
                incr lpos 
        printl $Divide in %CCOLOR_FLIGHTCYAN
        printl "Unable to locate 7z.exe, It is required to verify the windows-image"
        printl "that is to be used to repair defective data matches the version of"
        printl "the operating system, Select an option please:"
        printl $Divide in %CCOLOR_FLIGHTCYAN
        printl " [1]  navigate to the path where 7z can be found"  in %ccolor_fintensewhite 
        printl " [2]  download and install 7-zip" in %ccolor_fintensewhite 
        printl "[ESC] abort this script" in %ccolor_fintensewhite 
        select case waitkey 
            case "[ESC]" 
            case "[1]"
                sPath = Dialog_BrowseForFolder( %hWnd_desktop, "Select a folder that contains 7z.exe and 7z.dll", App_scriptpath, true)
                if lenf(sPath) then 
                    if exist(sPath & "7z.exe" ) then 
                        if exist( sPath & "7z.dll") then return sPath & "7z.exe"
            case "[2]"
                lPos = 999
        end Select
        printl $Divide in %CCOLOR_FLIGHTCYAN
        if not LPos = 999 Then
            msgbox("Suggest to download 7z." & crlf _ 
                 & "Select what fits to your" & crlf _
                 & "system and meets your needs" & crlf _
                 & "Restart this script when 7z" & crlf _
                 & "is ready to be used.", %mb_iconinformation, 
                "get some essential software...")
        sPath=app_path & "samplescripts\ui\webbrowser\"
        s7z = ini_getKey(sPath & "miniWebbrowser.ini", "LAST", "URL", "")
        INI_SetKey(sPath & "miniWebbrowser.ini", "LAST", "URL", "")
        shell( sPath & "miniWebbrowser.tBasic", "" )
        INI_SetKey(sPath & "miniWebbrowser.ini", "LAST", "URL", s7z)
        SHELL("EXPLORER.exe " & $DQ & APP_ScriptPath & $DQ,"")
    End Function
    #region "FixedValues" 
        begin const
            %CaseSensitivityOff = Off
            $Divide       = $crlf & repeat$(40,"><") & $crlf 
            $MustBeQuoted = " %()[]{}^=;!'+,`~"    ' chars that must be wrapped in $DQ if used in a path
            $7z           = Detect_7z
        end const
    global sLastMediapath    as string = INI_GetKey(APP_IniFile, "LastMedia", "Path", app_scriptpath )
    function tbmain()
    string order, sPath, sProductName, sBuild, sTest, sPart()
    Long i, Index, nParts 
    printl $Divide in %CCOLOR_FLIGHTCYAN
    printl "                                +++ 5-Step-OS-CleanUp-Program +++" in %CCOLOR_FLIGHTCYAN
    printl $Divide in %CCOLOR_FLIGHTCYAN
    sProductName = Reg_GetVal( "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion", "Productname")
    Save_File(APP_ScriptPath & "version.bat", "@echo off" & crlf & "Dir %systemroot%\servicing\version\1* /AD /B >" & app_scriptpath & "version.txt" & crlf & $spc )
    Shell(APP_ScriptPath & "version.bat", "")
    sBuild=Load_File(APP_ScriptPath & "version.txt")
    printl "servicing installation of " & sProductname & ", Build " & sBuild in %CCOLOR_FLIGHTMAGENTA
    printl "It requires the installation media of your operating system" in %ccolor_fyellow
    printl "or the install.wim-file, usually to find in the ""\sources-folder""" in %ccolor_fyellow
    printl "if the windows-image is located within an .iso-file, please mount it" in %ccolor_fyellow
    printl "and then navigate to its root or \sources-path." in %ccolor_fyellow
    printl $Divide
        printl "Press [esc] to cancel or any other key or just click here when ready to browse for the location"
        select case waitkey 
            case "[ESC]" 
            case else 
                Index = LocateInstallWim(sPath, sProductname, sBuild)  
        end Select
    until Index<>0
    IF INDEX <0 then index=1
    for i = 1 to iif($7z="NoFix",3,5)
        order =  "dism /online /cleanup-image /" & choose$(i, "scanhealth",  "checkhealth", "restorehealth /source:wim:" & sPath & ":" & tstr$(Index) & " /limitAccess", "startcomponentcleanup", "AnalyzeComponentstore") & crlf & $spc
        printl i, order 
        save_file( app_scriptpath & "Step" & tstr$(i) & ".bat", "@echo off" & crlf & order)
        shell( app_scriptpath & "Step" & tstr$(i) & ".bat", "")
    printl $Divide in %CCOLOR_FLIGHTmagenta
    if i > 4 then 
        printl "Cleaning program completed" in %ccolor_flightgreen
     printl "Program ends here since it only checked if repairs are necessary"
    printl $Divide in %CCOLOR_FLIGHTCYAN
    printl "press any key to end" in %ccolor_fyellow 
    end function
    Last edited by ReneMiner; 04-07-2021 at 11:41.
    I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support

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