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Thread: myfundialog test

  1. #1

    fundialog test-gui module

    I will check another approach to create a test-dialog with an own control. my first post I've deleted.
    Last edited by largo_winch; 23-11-2011 at 12:26.

  2. #2

    fundialog2 test

    I have an idea to create an own "control", but how to translate or parse this one to thinbasic is still a problem, but I will find a way to manage after having done some experiments

    fundialog test example:

    ' Empty GUI script created on 11-21-2011, 11-22-2011 11:07.13, 16:58:26 by largo_winch (ThinAIR)
    Module "myfundialog2"
    Uses "console"
    %btn = 1001
    Dim res As Long               
    Dim abc, test As Long, hDlgs as long      
    DIM lstyle as long, lexstyle as long
    Dim strx as string
    PrintL "test myfundialog"
    PrintL "test"
    test = MsgBox 0, "fundialog: " + fundialog("simple test dialog",10,10,300,400)
    ButtonControl(hDlgs, 100, "testME", 50,50,120,40,100)
    PrintL "waitkey"
    this example works for an own "dialog" with having new title and size for dialog window frame. "fundialog2.dll" I include in zip file too.

    I will explore more about this topic, even there is no feedback or interest for that, but I can imagine why there isn't big interests

    bye largo
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    Last edited by largo_winch; 23-11-2011 at 12:40.

  3. #3

    control, what's that?

    next one. this could be the idea of a background to create a control. the "control" must be defined with own function and "add" and "button" function separately too. I will see if there's a change to make it as a chapter for learning about module handling and parsing. it's not very important to get feedback anymore here for this topic, as there wasn't any answer about this interesting stuff

    ' Empty GUI script created on 11-23-2011 11:07:42 by  (ThinAIR)
    Uses "console", "UI"
    Function TBMain () As Long
      Local hDlg As Long
      Local mystyle As Long  
      Local mytest As Long 
      Local strx As String 
        strx = "my push Button!"
        mytest = pushButton(hDlg,100,100,250,350,strx, mystyle)        
    End Function
    Sub PushButton( ByVal cid As Long, _
                    ByVal x As Long, _
                    ByVal y As Long, _
                    ByVal cx As Long, _
                    ByVal cy As Long, _
                    ByRef caption As String, _
                    ByVal styles As Long )
      styles = 0
      MsgBox 0, "test my pushbutton"
      'Controls( cid, x, y, cx, cy, caption, 0, "BUTTON", _
      '         %BS_PUSHBUTTON Or styles )
    End Sub
    after that it may be possible to create command something like "newControl" with fictive (pseudo code) code :

    SUB NewCONTROL ( _
        parent AS CONTROL, _
        text AS STRING, _
        left AS INTEGER, _
        top AS INTEGER, _
        width AS INTEGER, _
        height AS INTEGER _

    1) Controls are basic building blocks of a windows application.

    CreateWindow(TEXT("STATIC"), lyrics, 
            WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | SS_LEFT,
            20, 20, 300, 230,
            hwnd, (HMENU) 1, NULL, NULL)
    Here we create the static control. We display text. It is aligned to the left.

    2) Static control:

    A button is a simple control. It has a text label. It is used to trigger an action.

    bye, largo
    Last edited by largo_winch; 23-11-2011 at 16:26.

  4. #4
    Hi Largo
    have you seen the Eros post and example‎ here:
    about making modules in freepascal/Lazarus/delphi
    i think you are using powerbasic in making the dll.
    i will use Lazarus to make something simple.


  5. #5

    "control" nearly to see

    may be I have constructed a "control", thinbasic gives value "1" as return value, so that's good I am thinking.

    ' Empty GUI script created on 11-21-2011, 11-22-2011 11:07.13, 16:58:26 by largo_winch (ThinAIR)
    Module "myfundialog2c"
    Uses "console"
    #INCLUDE ""
    %btn      = 101
    %IDBUTTON = 102
    Dim res As Long               
    Dim abc, test As Long, hDlg As Long      
    Dim lstyle As Long, lexstyle As Long, myInst As Long
    Dim strx As String, b As Long
    PrintL "test myfundialog"
    PrintL "test"
    test = MsgBox 0, "fundialog: " + fundialog("simple test dialog",10,10,300,400) 
    abc  = MsgBox 0, "myControl: " + myControl(0, "BUTTON","", lstyle, 40,40,60,24, _ 
                                      hDlg,%IDBUTTON,myInst )
    MsgBox 0, "control: " + Str$(abc)  'ok = "1"
    PrintL "control: " + Str$(abc)     'ok = "1"
    PrintL "waitkey"
    I only have to pack the "control" and the dialog together to show the button on dialog example. that's perhaps the task for next days.

    in this example I am only using "console" and "myfundialog2c", there's no "UI" to see

    @zak, thanks for feedback and your link, no I didn't have a look at this topic yet, I don't know freepascal or lazarus. wish you good luck for building your own module and if eros has done a lot of important and basically work for embedding that into thinbasic, I am sure that this is a lot of fun for you to program your own example in future days.

    bye, largo
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    Last edited by largo_winch; 23-11-2011 at 19:27.

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