i read about this before years, but remembered it when i have compressed the 2MB pi.txt in this thread, it is compressed to about half, because pi digits somewhat random and can't be represented in a more concise form.
so i have tried the attached code to make a 51 MB file with just zero's and newlines, when we compress it its new size will be about 55 KB, and you can reduce the compressed file size more by removing the newlines.
do not try to open the resulted text files since it will hang your editor.
if we can describe something big then it can be compressed efficiently
Uses "file","console" Dim st,s As String Dim i As Long PrintL "wait........." s = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10) For i=1 To 10000 st=st + s Next 'FILE_Save(APP_SourcePath +"big.txt",st) For i=1 To 100 FILE_Append(APP_SourcePath +"bigFile.txt",st) Next PrintL "finish" WaitKey
Last edited by zak; 22-04-2011 at 17:40.
Concatenation is quite memory intensive and very time consuming.
Better to create your string in one go and save all at once
On my computer a 54Mb file is save into 0.8 secs and less that 8 secs to save a 527Mb file
Uses "file","console" Dim sBuffer As String Dim sFileOut As String = APP_SourcePath + "bigFile.txt" Dim t1, t2 As Double Dim lRepeat As Long = 1000000 '---< Increment to have bigger string sBuffer = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" & $CRLF PrintL "Wait: writing a file" & sFileOut PrintL "File will be " & Format$(Len(sBuffer) * lRepeat) & " bytes" t1 = Timer FILE_Save(APP_SourcePath +"bigFile.txt", Repeat$(lRepeat, sBuffer)) t2 = Timer PrintL PrintL "---------------------------------------------------------" PrintL "Finished in " & Format$(t2 - t1, "#0.000") & " seconds" PrintL "---Press a key to continue---" WaitKey
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