All about thinBasic
thinBasic is a Basic Like Language Interpreter.
Polls about thinBasic and thinBasic community
Issues or suggestions regarding Installation, Activation, Licensing.
Report here any error, typo or comments regarding thinBasic help files.
YouTube video about thinBasic and thinBasic modules
What about some coding challenge? Post heren your idea and see what happen.
Share with all thinBasic users ideas (mad or not) about possible new thinBasic features
Let's talk about what's boiling behind the scenes of thinBasic development ...
Any other place where thinBasic is mentioned. Any forum, blog, articles, video, or whatever web place where someone talk about thinBasic or any thinBasic related material.
This is collection of sub forums each one dedicated to discuss about specific thinBasic modules
Talking about development of thinBasic Module Classes (pseudo classes defined inside a module)
Object Oriented Programming (or so) in ThinBASIC
Do you have an idea for a new module? Do you want we to develop it? Talk here about your idea
BIFF file handling
Posts related on using thinBasic as web scripting engine. CGI Module. FastCGI module.
Talk about thinBasic COMM module (serial communication module)
Any issue about Console module
Discussion on how to use Dictionary module, data handling and storing
DT modules works on date handling
Eval module is used to evaluate little math or string expressions on the fly. Even little general purpose scripts can be evaluated and results get back
File handling module
FTP module provides function to handle FTP communications
All about iComplex (complex numbers) module
INet module provides function to handle Internet communications
INI file handling module
Under development project to create a thinBasic wrapper module for Irrlicht 3D engine
Issues about LAN module
Issues about Math module
Multimedia module
Operating system module related posts
We have the idea to develop a module specific for statistical analisys. Talk here about your ideas or suggestions
thinBasic wrapper module for the excellent BASS library. More info at:
Issues about TCPUDP module
VB regular expression
thinBasic Win API interface. Starting from version 1.0.7.x thinBasic support direct windows API interface using DECLARE statement. Report here impressions, suggestions, bugs.
Issues about WMI module (Windows Management Instrumentation)
Do you have some piece of code to share? This is the place.
Do you have real world problems solved with thinBasic? Let us know.
thinBasic and Freebasic interop
Little pills about specific thinBasic aspects
Lessons, tutorials, scripts to start using thinBasic
thinBasic source code example to be used to post into
Enter in the thinBasic history giving us few lines of souce code explaining a specific help keyword
Give us some interesting templates and we will add them in official distribution
Did you solve a problem in your everyday server/client activities using thinBasic. Let us know.
Math passion, math challenge, math problems.
Full thinBasic applications with source code
Pools to vote Application Of The Month (AOTM)
Your resource to keep up with development of passion powered interpreter
Do you have some arguments to suggest for next thinBasic Journal issues? Let us know.
thinBasic new versions announcements
thinBasic Beta versions release and testing
Updates or mods applied to thinBasic physical server or to web site cms software or to community forum software
Tools, tools, tools working with/for thinBasic
thinSVN is thinBasic Subversion server used to share source code development in thinBasic project
thinDebug or Trace module. Under development tracing/debugging utility for thinBasic scripts
thinBundle development support. thinBundle creates stand alone executable from thinBasic scripts
thinBasic modules development kit
Applications developed by thinBasic users and working with or for thinBasic
Talk about any application that can be used with or for thinBasic development.