View Full Version : TAB Alpha Release 35

08-07-2008, 15:47

I've been busy updating TAB with bugfixes, amendments and a few new things...
Nothing much major or exciting to report - but here is the boring list of details anyway:

08 Jul 2008 (Release 35)
*FIX. Opening graphics are now shown in TAB Player even if the intro text larger than text area (in Graphic Mode)

*FIX. File requester now does not try to load an empty file if no file selected in "Open Adventure" on Editor version of Player

*IMPROVED. Some slight overall speed improves to TAB program (courtesy of new thinBasic)

*ADDED. "Launch Notepad" menu item added to [Options] menu on TAB Viewer

*NEW. "revmess" ACTION command. Outputs a message in REVERSE!

*CHANGED Reinstated system message 61: "That's not possible" for %anywords% Response entries.

*FIX. Statusbar now cleared to defaults if player quits from a "gameover" action in Script1 or Script 2

*FIX. Statusbar now updates turns and score correctly when a loadgameposition is restored into the TAB Player(s)

02 Jul 2008 (Release 34)
*FIX. Number of turns taken was not being updated in TAB Player Statusbar after a timeout occurrence.

*IMPROVED. Viewer button moved to "Game Settings Editor". Menus added. Text shown is now editable.

*FIX. Load/Save Response, Script1 and Script2 buttons now functioning correctly.

*NEW. "Save Transcript" option added to [Adventure] Menu on Player(s).
Saves a transcript of game played so far in the TAB Player as plain text. Can be viewed/edited in a text editor or word processor eg: Notepad, Wordpad.

*IMPROVED. Text formatting can now be applied to individual letters of a word.
Previously not possible. Also, any other words inside square brackets eg. [myword] typed by the game author inside texts are not now deleted by the text formatter when a string of text is output to adventure Player - which is correct.
(Previously wrongly recognised as invalid UBB codes and removed from the text)

*NEW. %psyn% text formatting code substitutes preposition synonym typed by player into message text instead of preposition keyword. (suggested by Jason Nicholls)

*NEW. 2 more Text formatting codes:
%n1syn% - prints ordinary, object or character n1 SYNONYM or keyword if typed by player
%n2syn% - prints ordinary, object or character n2 SYNONYM or keyword if typed by player

*FIX. When quitting Player (Editor version) an input prompt for game password will now appear if the data held in the Editor is password protected. Full access to Editor buttons will only be given for the correct password (similar to loading a passworded game into Editor).

25 Jun 2008 (Release 33)
*NEW "View" button added to Location, Message, Sysmessage, Object and Character Editors.
Displays window with readonly scrollable list of data entries and info.
You can highlight text or select all, cut, copy and paste using CTRL+A, CTRL+X, CTRL+C and CTRL+V respectively.
Handy for copying lists to text editor for printing or saving as a text file etc..

*ADDED "Search" button to Object and Character Editors
All textual fields on these Editors are included in the search operation.
Search is case insensitive.

*AMENDED. "and" added to exit listing. "Exits lead: north, south, west."
Now prints as "Exits lead: north, south and west.", eg. "Exits lead: southwest and in."

*FIX. Two important bugfixes relating to %anyn1% and %anyn2% causing TAB to crash.
(reported by Jason Nicholls)

*IMPROVED. Location texts can now be cyclic **provided corresponding message number in the message editor does not contain cyclic tags** and vice versa.

22 Jun 2008 (Release 32)
*NEW conditions

validmove - true if valid exit exists from player's location

invalidmove - true if valid exit does not exist from player's location

validcharmove - true if valid exit exists from commanded character's current location

invalidcharmove - true if valid exit does not exist from commanded character's current location

*ADDED "Search" buttons to some Editors for finding text

*NEW "charlistoff" ACTION - similar to objlistoff and charlistoff.
enables concatenated Character announcement reporting eg:

"Joseph the farmer is here, Robbie the robot patrols the area and Roger your canine companion sits beside you."


format codes for Response "words conditions" true if noun KEYWORD is an ordinary, object or character noun

also 2 new text tags:

%anyn1%, %anyn2% format codes for message text output.

*CHANGED Added a newline after each Character movement notification to space out text.

15 Jun 2008 (Release 31.1)
*FIX %v% text format code causing crash. Now OK



08-07-2008, 16:34
You are making great progress. Faster than us :D
Good job.

I just discovered a little problem about menues. Problem is in thinBasic UI module and was mentioned by sandyrepope in a different post.
Sometimes some popup menu are not visible. I didn't find the reason. Anyhow, please use always LONG and not DWORD to store menu handler: so transform "hMenu", "hPopUp1" and all such variables from DWORD to LONG. This should temporarly solve the problem.


Petr Schreiber
08-07-2008, 16:45
Thanks for new release,

list of changes does not look boring at all!
You have nice control for screenshot slideshow on your web as well :)


08-07-2008, 17:07
Thanks Eros. I forgot about that. I will make the change from DWORD to LONG.
Just seen that Statusbar on TAB Player has a slight display problem when sizing the window for a text game... In Graphic game it is OK. It happened before so will try and put right and upload amended release..

EDIT: Statusbar now OK. Menu change made. Uploaded again

The changes will be seen to better effect when a new game is finished that utilises some of these new features.


Michael Hartlef
08-07-2008, 18:34
Wow, big changing list. Thanks for the new version!