View Full Version : german site for gaming

30-06-2007, 09:48
I started to read 3D Game Engine Programming and in the book the authors mention this site for German speakers as being a great place for game developers to hang out.

Michael Hartlef
30-06-2007, 10:08
I know that site. It was build after Stefan Zerbst, the author of at least 3 books about game programing became more popular.

30-06-2007, 11:52
This book is really nice. Almost all the books are for C++ and directX. But now that I have played with opengl in thinBasic, I can see the similarities in much of the way they work. DirectX is really cool and I can see why it is so popular, everything is there. I don't know how they could be thinking of moving away from that concept.

Anyways, glad you knew about the site.