View Full Version : Lisp: Timing Recursive Factorials

18-03-2011, 06:29
I downloaded LispWorks Personal Edition 6.0.1.


I made a file, with just the following in it.

;;; This is the IDE's built-in-editor, where you create and edit
;;; lisp source code. You could use some other editor instead,
;;; though the IDE's menu-bar commands would not be applicable there.
;;; This editor has a tab for each file that it's editing. You can
;;; create a new editor buffer at any time with the File | New command.
;;; Other commands such as Search | Find Definitions will create
;;; editor buffers automatically for existing code.
;;; You can use the File | Compile and Load command to compile and
;;; load an entire file, or compile an individual definition by
;;; placing the text cursor inside it and using Tools | Incremental
;;; Compile. You can similarly evaluate test expressions in the
;;; editor by using Tools | Incremental Evaluation; the returned
;;; values and any printed output will appear in a lisp listener
;;; in the Debug Window.
;;; For a brief introduction to other IDE tools, try the
;;; Help | Interactive IDE Intro command. And be sure to explore
;;; the other facilities on the Help menu.

(defun fac(n)
(if (< n 2)
(* n (fac(- n 1)))))
All of the comments ( ;;; ) are from LispWorks.

I just put in the (recursive) factorial function.

Then, I compiled and loaded the file.

Once the file is loaded, you can call the function, from the, "Listener".

From the Listener, I executed the command, "(time (fac 5000))".

I wanted to time how long it would take for Lisp to recursively calculate 5000 factorial.

Here is a copy of the Listener's state after the command executed.

CL-USER 1 > (time (fac 5000))
Timing the evaluation of (FAC 5000)

User time = 0.093
System time = 0.000
Elapsed time = 0.108
Allocation = 21645540 bytes
0 Page faults


You can see that it took approximately 1/10th of a second to recursively calculate 5000 factorial.

So, it did 4999 levels of recursion in that time interval.

That seems pretty fast to me.
