View Full Version : Catmull-Rom include file for 2D + TBGL demo app

Petr Schreiber
09-10-2010, 13:37
Mike posted a nice Catmull Rom demo (http://community.thinbasic.com/index.php?topic=3096.msg23312#msg23312) past year,

I arranged the code to be general purpose for any number of points, you can even instance multiple CR splines (this is not part of the demo) and dynamically delete them as well.

I post this demo to show one approach which serves me well in many projects and I thought it could be good to share:

create independent include file
describe the properties of the functionality using TYPE
describe the actions of the functionality using functions which take the type as first parameter
Define Create/Destroy procedures, which allow dynamic memory handling (instancing) of the functionality

In fact, this approach is some kind of OOP emulation.

I hope you will find it useful, maybe Mike can use it as base for implementation in his TBAI, who knows :)


For those having problem with download:

' Catmull Rom spline object
' Petr Schreiber 2010

Alias Long As gPointer ' Generic pointer
Alias gPointer As CRSpline

Type CatmullRomDescriptor
pData As gPointer
pointCount As Long
End Type

Type Point2D
x As Single
y As Single
End Type

' -- Creates new instance of CatmullRom
Function CatmullRom_Create() As gPointer

Dim pDescriptor As Long = HEAP_Alloc(SizeOf(CatmullRomDescriptor))

Dim Descriptor As CatmullRomDescriptor At pDescriptor
Descriptor.pData = 0 ' -- It does not point to any data yet
Descriptor.pointCount = 0 ' -- No points are in

Return pDescriptor

End Function

' -- Frees the data
Function CatmullRom_Erase(ByRef pDescriptor As gPointer)

Dim Descriptor As CatmullRomDescriptor At pDescriptor
Descriptor.pData = 0
Descriptor.pointCount = 0 ' -- No points are in

End Function

' -- Frees complete memory occupied by CatmullRom
Function CatmullRom_Destroy(ByRef pDescriptor As gPointer)

Dim Descriptor As CatmullRomDescriptor At pDescriptor

HEAP_Free(Descriptor.pData) ' -- Erase data
HEAP_Free(pDescriptor) ' -- Now we free the descriptor and set it to zero
pDescriptor = 0

End Function

' -- Adds new point to the spline
Function CatmullRom_AddPoint(ByRef pDescriptor As gPointer, x As Single, y As Single)

Dim Descriptor As CatmullRomDescriptor At pDescriptor
Dim oldSize As Long

If Descriptor.pData = 0 Then
Descriptor.pData = HEAP_Alloc(SizeOf(Point2D))
oldSize = HEAP_Size(Descriptor.pData)
Descriptor.pData = HEAP_Realloc(Descriptor.pData, oldSize + SizeOf(Point2D))
End If

Descriptor.pointCount += 1

Dim LastPointPointer As Long = CatmullRom_GetPointAddress(pDescriptor, Descriptor.pointCount)
Dim p As Point2D At LastPointPointer

p.x = x
p.y = y

End Function

' -- Removes last point from the spline
Function CatmullRom_RemoveLastPoint(ByRef pDescriptor As gPointer)

Dim Descriptor As CatmullRomDescriptor At pDescriptor
Dim oldSize As Long
If Descriptor.pointCount < 1 Then Exit Function

oldSize = HEAP_Size(Descriptor.pData)
Descriptor.pData = HEAP_Realloc(Descriptor.pData, oldSize - SizeOf(Point2D))

Descriptor.pointCount -= 1

End Function

Function CatmullRom_GetPointAddress(ByRef pDescriptor As gPointer, index As Long) As gPointer

Dim Descriptor As CatmullRomDescriptor At pDescriptor

Return Descriptor.pData + (index-1) * SizeOf(Point2D)

End Function

' -- Interpolation routine
Function CatmullRom_GetPointOnSpline(ByRef pDescriptor As gPointer, pn As Point2D, t As Single, p0index As Long, p1index As Long, p2index As Long, p3index As Long)
Dim Descriptor As CatmullRomDescriptor At pDescriptor

Dim p0 As point2D At CatmullRom_GetPointAddress(pDescriptor, p0index)
Dim p1 As point2D At CatmullRom_GetPointAddress(pDescriptor, p1index)
Dim p2 As point2D At CatmullRom_GetPointAddress(pDescriptor, p2index)
Dim p3 As point2D At CatmullRom_GetPointAddress(pDescriptor, p3index)

Dim t2, t3 As Single
t2 = t * t
t3 = t2 * t
pn.x = 0.5 * ( ( 2.0 * p1.x ) + ( -p0.x + p2.x ) * t + ( 2.0 * p0.x - 5.0 * p1.x + 4 * p2.x - p3.x ) * t2 + ( -p0.x + 3.0 * p1.x - 3.0 * p2.x + p3.x ) * t3 )
pn.y = 0.5 * ( ( 2.0 * p1.y ) + ( -p0.y + p2.y ) * t + ( 2.0 * p0.y - 5.0 * p1.y + 4 * p2.y - p3.y ) * t2 + ( -p0.y + 3.0 * p1.y - 3.0 * p2.y + p3.y ) * t3 )
End Function

' -- Draws the spline
Function CatmullRom_Render(ByRef pDescriptor As gPointer, pointStep As Long)

Dim Descriptor As CatmullRomDescriptor At pDescriptor
Dim i, j As Long
Dim dt As Single
Dim dp As Point2D
Dim points(Descriptor.pointCount) As Point2D At Descriptor.pData

If (Descriptor.pointCount > 3) Then

' -- Draw the curve
TBGL_Color 255,255,255

For i = 1 To pointStep
dt = i/pointStep
CatmullRom_GetPointOnSpline(pDescriptor, dp, dt, 1, 1, 2, 3)
TBGL_Vertex(dp.x, dp.y)

j = 0
While j+3 <> Descriptor.pointCount
j+= 1
CatmullRom_GetPointOnSpline(pDescriptor, dp, dt, j, j+1, j+2, j+3)
TBGL_Vertex(dp.x, dp.y)
CatmullRom_GetPointOnSpline(pDescriptor, dp, dt, Descriptor.pointCount-2, Descriptor.pointCount-1, Descriptor.pointCount, Descriptor.pointCount)
TBGL_Vertex(dp.x, dp.y)

End If

If (Descriptor.pointCount > 0) Then
' -- Draw some red points for the six points of the curve
TBGL_Color 255,0,0

For i = 1 To UBound(points)
TBGL_NGon(points(i).x, points(i).y, 5,16)

TBGL_Color 255,255,255
End If

End Function


' The most basic skeleton for TBGL
' Suitable for developing editor apps
' , started on 10-09-2010

Uses "UI", "TBGL"

#INCLUDE "unit_CatmullRomSpline.inc"

' -- ID numbers of controls
Begin Const
%lCanvas = %WM_USER + 1

%lCurve = 1
End Const

Dim spline As CRSpline = CatmullRom_Create()

Function TBMain()

Local hDlg As DWord

Dialog New 0, "Catmull Rom Demo",-1,-1, 320, 320, _

' -- Place controls here
Control Add Label, hDlg, %lCanvas, "", 5, 5, 310, 280
Control Set Color hDlg, %lCanvas, %BLACK, %BLACK

Control Add Label, hDlg, %lHelp, "Left click to add, right click to remove last point", 70, 300, 180, 14, %ss_center or %SS_CENTERIMAGE Or %WS_BORDER

Control Add Button, hDlg, %bErase, "Erase", 5, 300, 60, 14
Control Add Button, hDlg, %bClose, "Close", 255, 300, 60, 14

Dialog Show Modal hDlg, Call dlgCallback

End Function

CallBack Function dlgCallback()
Static hCtrl As DWord

Select Case CBMSG

Control Handle CBHNDL, %lCanvas To hCtrl

' -- Init OpenGL
TBGL_BackColor 32, 64, 128


CatmullRom_AddPoint(spline, TBGL_MouseGetPosX, TBGL_MouseGetPosY)
TBGL_DeleteList %lCurve
TBGL_NewList %lCurve
CatmullRom_Render(spline, 25)

TBGL_DeleteList %lCurve
TBGL_NewList %lCurve
CatmullRom_Render(spline, 25)


Select Case CBCTL

Case %bErase
TBGL_DeleteList %lCurve
End If

Case %bClose
Dialog End CBHNDL
End If

End Select

End Select
End Function

Function RenderMyImage( hCtrl As DWord )
Static FrameRate As Double
Static width, height As Long

If TBGL_CanvasBound(hCtrl) Then
TBGL_GetWindowClient(hCtrl, width, height)
FrameRate = TBGL_GetFrameRate

TBGL_RenderMatrix2D (0,height,width,0)

' -- Draw grid for fun
RenderGrid(width, height, 50)

' -- Draw the line
TBGL_CallList %lCurve


End If
End Function

Function RenderGrid( fillX As Long, fillY As Long, fillStep As Long)

Dim x, y As Long

TBGL_Color 128, 128, 128
For x = 0 To fillX Step fillStep
TBGL_Vertex x, 0
TBGL_Vertex x, fillY

For y = 0 To fillY Step fillStep
TBGL_Vertex 0, y
TBGL_Vertex fillX, y
TBGL_Color 255, 255, 255

End Function

EDIT: Image did not uploaded, probably because of recent forum DB problem

13-10-2010, 18:29
salve petr, I cannot open clear the zip file (error message: the zip file is not valid or damaged). It's possible to show both files here at the board. I will check if I can copy and paste this one for testing. Thanks! may be this belongs to your new windows 7 os ?

thanks, frank

Petr Schreiber
13-10-2010, 18:36
Hi Frank,

thanks for reporting the problem, strange there was 8 downloads before you and no one had a problem.
Could you try to download newly attached CatmullRomPACK.ZIP to see if it is better?

When I download the file, I have trouble opening it too. If I open the original in my TBGL directory, then no problem. Could it be some problem with forum software/browser?


13-10-2010, 18:57
two downloads are from my side, because I have thought to make it sure, it wasn't my problem ;)

sorry, but same problem with new zip pack. I cannot add a picture here, because of the forum board problems. it's possible to show code for both examples here at forum?

I can open zip folder and see the catmullromdemo.tbasic and unit inc file, but cannot copy it or unzip it. frank

Petr Schreiber
13-10-2010, 19:35
Thanks for your assistance, my apologies but I am really not sure why this problem is here.

I listed the code in the first post of this thread.


13-10-2010, 22:36
thanks petr, your CatmullRomDemo works fine here! Interesting Spline example!
(I've used your first post example).

perhaps you can check if my attachments works for you. zip and rar folder with same content of your example.

bye, frank

14-10-2010, 07:05
yes extracting zip file gives an error using winrar v3.71, also using Alzip gives an error but can repair the file and extract the contents which runs correctly.
i guess the reason the zip file made by a recent version of winzip, i have noticed many ziped files in many forums gives an errors when openning with winrar, so i am opening it with alzip.

Petr Schreiber
14-10-2010, 08:54
I used 7zip and ZipGenius 6 to make the files.
The strange thing is that they cannot open the downloaded files as well, but the versions before upload without trouble.
