View Full Version : close one dialog from another one and back

12-03-2010, 21:17
some month ago I was looking for a way to close a dialog by a second dialog.
I searched a solution deleting the first dialog by a second one.

I didn't find my "transmitter" example here at the board (there were four dialogs with sending different messages to other dialogs), so I've made a simple solution for this task. I am so glad to find this little but precious trick ;)

success: you can close with second dialog the first dialog and vice versa. try it! :)

my ten cents for today:

' Empty GUI script created on 03-12-2010 18:50:45 by frank (ThinAIR)

Uses "console", "ui"

%one = 1001
%two = 1002
%close = 1003
%four = 1004
%closeFirst = 1005
%closethis = 1006

Global hDlg, hDlg2 As DWord

Function TBMain() As Long
Dialog New Pixels, 0, "Close App from anotherOne",300,300,340,340, %WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW To hDlg
Control Add Button, hDlg, %one,"Create a new Dialog", 30,20,150,40
Control Add Button, hDlg, %two,"Close second Dialog", 30,80,150,40
Control Add Button, hDlg, %close,"Close this Dialog", 30,160,150,40
Dialog Set Gradient hDlg, %GRADIENT_FILL_H, Rgb(255,0,100), Rgb(0,150,255)

Dialog Show Modal hDlg Call DlgProc
End Function

CallBack Function DlgProc() As Long

Select Case CBMSG

If CBWPARAM = %one Then
Dialog New Pixels, 0, "Another Dialog",600,320,300,400, %WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW To hDlg2
Control Add Textbox, hDlg2, %four,"my textBox for Lord of the Rings", 40,260,180,20
Control Add Button, hDlg2, %closeFirst,"Close first Dialog", 30,80,150,40 Call DlgProc2
Control Add Button, hDlg2, %closethis,"Close THIS Dialog", 30,180,150,40 Call DlgProc
Dialog Set Gradient hDlg2, %GRADIENT_FILL_H, Rgb(155,200,100), Rgb(100,250,55)
Dialog Set Text hDlg, "..first dialog ready"
Dialog Show Modal hDlg2
End If

If CBWPARAM = %two Then
Dialog Set Text hDlg, "2. dialog was canceled"
Dialog End hDlg2
End If

If CBWPARAM = %close Then Dialog End CBHNDL
If CBWPARAM = %closeThis Then Dialog End CBHNDL

MsgBox 0, "Window is to be destroyed."

End Select
End Function

CallBack Function DlgProc2() As Long

Select Case CBMSG

If CBWPARAM = %closeFirst Then Dialog End hdlg

MsgBox 0, "Window is to be destroyed."

End Select
End Function

sometimes it takes only some month to get the mind clear again.

best regards, frank