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Thread: Need Help on making Window creating class

  1. #11
    thinBasic author ErosOlmi's Avatar
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    Milan - Italy
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    Problem 1:
    it seems you have used MODAL windows. Modal Windows do not return control to main application until they are closed.
    You need to have modeless windows each with its window message plus a a global message pump

    Problem 2:
    not sure, maybe you are passing over the quit command from last window to main window.
    Also you need to keep track how many windows are still there and close only when needed.

    I still do not understand under which programming language are you developing | |
    Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 64bit - 32 GB - Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-10855M CPU @ 2.80GHz - NVIDIA Quadro RTX 3000

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Keralam, India
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    Thanks for the reply. I will sure check about MODAL windows.
    Anyway, i have managed to fix the window closing issue. I just create a Global variabale in my module and keep the First window's (Main WIndow) handle on it. Besides that, i wrote an extra function in this module to create child windows for this main window. So in WndProc, i can handle WM_DESTROY msg with the window handle of MainWindow.

    I am coding this in FreeBasic. One thing i forgot to mention. I got a chance to learn a lot about win api in Frederick J Harris's tutorial on PowerBasic forum. Its really a wealth of information. In that tutorial, he wrote about how .Net handle the WndProc function with so many handler functions like OnClick, OnPaint, OnLoad etc.

  3. #13
    thinBasic author ErosOlmi's Avatar
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    There will be great new features in thinBasic too under that aspect.

    The following is a thinBasic script working under the next thinBasic 1.10.5 I will release hopefully shortly.
    Every window or control will have the possibility to have an optional NAME
    And using that name plus the name of the event, you will be able to handle most of the events with easy function names.
    All into an interpreted source code script.

    USES "UI"
    uses "console"
    uses "Registry"
    '---Define a button ID
    begin ControlID
    end ControlID
    DIALOG New Pixels, Name MyWindow, 0, "Dialog to show automatic events handling",-1,-1, 640, 480,
                                       %WS_DLGFRAME | %DS_CENTER | %WS_CAPTION | %WS_SYSMENU | %WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW
    CONTROL ADD Label   Name lblFind    , MyWindow.Handle, %lblFind     , "Find"    ,  10,  15, 350, 20, %SS_NOTIFY
    CONTROL ADD Textbox Name txtFind    , MyWindow.Handle, %txtFind     , ""        ,  10,  30, 350, 25, %ES_AUTOHSCROLL | %ES_LEFT | %WS_BORDER | %WS_TABSTOP
    CONTROL ADD Label   Name lblReplace , MyWindow.Handle, %lblReplace  , "Replace" ,  10,  55, 350, 20, %SS_NOTIFY
    CONTROL ADD Textbox Name txtReplace , MyWindow.Handle, %txtReplace  , ""        ,  10,  70, 350, 25, %ES_AUTOHSCROLL | %ES_LEFT | %WS_BORDER | %WS_TABSTOP
    CONTROL ADD BUTTON  Name btnSearch  , MyWindow.Handle, %ButtonSearch, "Search"  , 480,  10, 150, 25, %BS_NOTIFY | %BS_CENTER | %BS_VCENTER | %WS_TABSTOP
    CONTROL ADD BUTTON  Name btnCloseMe , MyWindow.Handle, %ButtonClose , "Close"   , 480,  40, 150, 25, %BS_NOTIFY | %BS_CENTER | %BS_VCENTER | %WS_TABSTOP
    DIALOG SHOW MODAL MyWindow.Handle
    ' Callback function used to handle dialog events 
    ' not handled by specific event functions
    CallBack Function MyWindow_OnCallBack() As Long
      'printl Timer, Function_Name, CBMSG, MyWindow.Name & ": message not handled by specific event function"
    End Function
    CallBack Function MyWindow_OnInit() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
      '---Limits window minimum size
      control set Resize CBHNDL, %ButtonSearch, 0, 1, 0, 0
      control set Resize CBHNDL, %ButtonClose , 0, 1, 0, 0
      txtFind.Text    = "TextToFind"
      txtReplace.Text = "TextToReplace"
      btnCloseMe.Text = "Close Me"
    End Function
    CallBack Function MyWindow_OnSize() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name, MyWindow.X, MyWindow.Y, MyWindow.W, MyWindow.H
    End Function
    CallBack Function MyWindow_OnMove() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name, MyWindow.X, MyWindow.Y, MyWindow.W, MyWindow.H
    End Function
    CallBack Function MyWindow_OnMoving() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function MyWindow_OnMouseMove() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function MyWindow_OnNCHITTEST() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function MyWindow_OnSETCURSOR() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function MyWindow_OnLBUTTONDOWN() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function MyWindow_OnLBUTTONUP() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function MyWindow_OnLBUTTONDBLCLK() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function MyWindow_OnNCMOUSEMOVE() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function MyWindow_OnNCMOUSELEAVE() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function MyWindow_OnCommand() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function MyWindow_OnClose() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function MyWindow_OnSHOWWINDOW() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function MyWindow_OnDestroy() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
      PrintL "Window just destroyed. Press a key to end" in %CCOLOR_FLIGHTRED
    End Function
    CallBack Function btnCloseMe_OnClick() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name, btnCloseMe.Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function btnCloseMe_OnSetFocus() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name, btnCloseMe.Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function btnCloseMe_OnKillFocus() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name, btnCloseMe.Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function btnSearch_OnClick() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name, btnSearch.Name, "Search clicked, something new should happen :)"
    End Function
    CallBack Function lblFind_OnClick() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name, lblFind.Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function lblFind_OnDblClk() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name, lblFind.Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function lblFind_OnDisable() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name, lblFind.Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function lblFind_OnEnable() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name, lblFind.Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function txtFind_OnCallback() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name, CBCTLMSG, txtFind.Name
      Function = %TRUE
    End Function
    CallBack Function txtFind_OnChange() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name, "text changed in control ", txtFind.Name
      printl txtFind.Text in %CCOLOR_FLIGHTCYAN
      Function = %TRUE
    End Function
    CallBack Function txtFind_OnUpdate() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name, txtFind.Name
      Function = %TRUE
    End Function
    CallBack Function txtFind_OnSetFocus() As Long
      txtFind.backcolor = %RGB_THISTLE
      printl Timer, Function_Name, txtFind.Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function txtFind_OnKillFocus() As Long
      txtFind.backcolor = %RGB_WHITE
      printl Timer, Function_Name, txtFind.Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function txtReplace_OnChange() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name, "text changed in control ", txtReplace.Name
      printl txtReplace.Text in %CCOLOR_FLIGHTCYAN
      Function = %TRUE
    End Function
    CallBack Function txtReplace_OnUpdate() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name, txtReplace.Name
      Function = %TRUE
    End Function
    CallBack Function txtReplace_OnSetFocus() As Long
      txtReplace.backcolor = %RGB_AQUAMARINE
      printl Timer, Function_Name, txtReplace.Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function txtReplace_OnKillFocus() As Long
      txtReplace.backcolor = %RGB_WHITE
      printl Timer, Function_Name, txtReplace.Name
    End Function | |
    Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 64bit - 32 GB - Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-10855M CPU @ 2.80GHz - NVIDIA Quadro RTX 3000

  4. #14
    thinBasic MVPs
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
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    Reads good so far

    Were it possible to make the event-callback-functions to receive the user-property of the controls?

    For example I have some images to display and I give all image-controls the same name and every image-control an index-number -
    could be stored in the user-slots
    (Control Set User...)-
    Now assumed one of the images gets clicked and within the events callback I want to know the images index:

    Callback Function myimage_OnLeftButtonDown(Optional Userdata(4) As Long) As Long
    Or is there another way to retrieve the desired data stored at the control?
    I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support

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