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Thread: thinBasic 1.10.5 help on testing a new feature

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    thinBasic author ErosOlmi's Avatar
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    thinBasic 1.10.5 help on testing a new feature

    Hi all,

    thinBasic 1.10.5 development is at the last stage.
    I need help in testing a new feature that will be present in next thinBasic
    Attached to this post you will find a Bundled Script called "ActiveX_WebBrowser_GoogleCharts"

    When executed it will create a .\Chart\ directory with some html templates using Google Charts Library.
    Script will load those templates and show some charts inside a dialog, see image.

    The new feature I need to test is a new control type called ACTIVEX
    It will be created like all User Interface controls using CONTROL ADD ACTIVEX ...
    This control will be able to host visual ActiveX components into thinBasic script.
    Once loaded, programmer will be able to interact with them.

    What I need to know is if charts are visible and what Operating system/Browser/version you have.
    1. Internet connection is needed because Google Charts Library is loaded from Google sites
    2. it can be that the script will ask administrator privilege. This is because script changes 2 registry parameters in HKEYCU. Both parameters are "by application" so will act only for this application:
      1. first parameter instruct embedded web control to emulate Internet Explore 9 browser
      2. second parameter instruct embedded web control not to emit a sound when page is reloaded

    Thanks a lot

    Just to show what the script looks like ... here below the full source.
    You will see there are a lot of new features like:
    1. Named Dialog and Controls.
      Named Dialog and Controls is a way to give a Dialog or a Control a name and then use that name to interact with that dialog or control using properties (get/set) and methods
    2. automatic event handling functions.
      Instead of having big SELECT/CASE of strange commands/events, it will be possible to write named dialog and controls events functions and trap only those events you prefer.
      For example if you have a button named MyButton, trapping the click event will be that easy as writing a function named [ControlName]_On[EventToTrap] like:
      CallBack Function MyButton_OnClick() as Long
        '---Do whatever with the click on MyButton button
      End Function

    All this make it possible to have a VB6 like syntax very easy to use and read.

    USES "UI"uses "Registry"
    #BUNDLE File "", ".\Charts\GoogleChart_Dynamic_ComboChart.html"       , ".\Charts\"    , ReplaceExisting=1, DeleteOnClose=0, CreateFullPath=1
    #BUNDLE File "", ".\Charts\GoogleChart_Dynamic_Gauge.html"            , ".\Charts\"    , ReplaceExisting=1, DeleteOnClose=0, CreateFullPath=1
    #BUNDLE File "", ".\Charts\GoogleChart_Dynamic_LineCurveChart.html"   , ".\Charts\"    , ReplaceExisting=1, DeleteOnClose=0, CreateFullPath=1
    #BUNDLE File "", ".\Charts\GoogleChart_Dynamic_MaterialBarChart.html" , ".\Charts\"    , ReplaceExisting=1, DeleteOnClose=0, CreateFullPath=1
    #BUNDLE File "", ".\Charts\GoogleChart_Dynamic_Pie3DChart.html"       , ".\Charts\"    , ReplaceExisting=1, DeleteOnClose=0, CreateFullPath=1
    #BUNDLE File "", ".\Charts\GoogleChart_Dynamic_SankeyDiagram.html"    , ".\Charts\"    , ReplaceExisting=1, DeleteOnClose=0, CreateFullPath=1
    #BUNDLE File "", ".\Charts\GoogleChart_Dynamic_TreeMap.html"          , ".\Charts\"    , ReplaceExisting=1, DeleteOnClose=0, CreateFullPath=1
    #BUNDLE File "", ".\Charts\GoogleChart_Dynamic_WordTree.html"         , ".\Charts\"    , ReplaceExisting=1, DeleteOnClose=0, CreateFullPath=1
    '---Define a button ID
    begin ControlID
    end ControlID
    global iWebBrowser AS iDISPATCH
    DIALOG New Pixels, Name frmMain, 0, "Testing ActiveX control using WebBrowser and Google Charts",-1,-1, 1024, 768,
                                       %WS_DLGFRAME | %DS_CENTER | %WS_CAPTION | %WS_SYSMENU | %WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW
    'CONTROL ADD BUTTON  Name btnGO      , frmMain.Handle, %ButtonGO    , "GO"      , 500,  10, 120, 25, %BS_NOTIFY | %BS_CENTER | %BS_VCENTER | %WS_TABSTOP
    CONTROL ADD BUTTON  Name btnCloseMe , frmMain.Handle, %ButtonClose , "Close"   , 0,  0, 120, 25, %BS_NOTIFY | %BS_CENTER | %BS_VCENTER | %WS_TABSTOP
    '---Set IE11 usage inside Web control
    '--- Set 9999 Windows Internet Explorer 9. Webpages are displayed in IE9 Standards mode, regardless of the !DOCTYPE directive.
      Registry_SetDWord("HKEYCU", "Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION", APP_Name, 9999)
    '---This disable the sound clik when navigating
      $FeatureBaseKey = "Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_DISABLE_NAVIGATION_SOUNDS"
      Registry_SetDWord("HKEYCU", $FeatureBaseKey, APP_Name, 1)
    '---Create ActiveX container
    CONTROL ADD ActiveX     name activexWB    , frmMain.Handle, %ID_ActiveX     , "Shell.Explorer",   0, 0, 0, 0, %WS_VISIBLE | %WS_CHILD
    '---Now Capture iDispatch object from Activex
    iWebBrowser = activexWB.ActiveXObj
    if IsComObject(iWebBrowser) Then
      '---Initial WebControl setup
      iWebBrowser.Silent = TRUE
      msgbox "It was not possible to get Dispatch interface from ActiveX Web Control"
    end If
    Control Add TreeView, Name MainTree, frmMain.Handle, %IDC_MenuTREE, "", 0, 0, 0, 0, _ 
                                                        %WS_CHILD           | 
                                                        %WS_VISIBLE         | 
                                                        %TVS_HASBUTTONS     | 
                                                        %TVS_HASLINES       | 
                                                        %TVS_LINESATROOT    | 
            MainTree.ItemHeight   = 36
            treeview_setindent      frmMain.Handle, %IDC_MenuTREE, 20
            MainTree.BackColor    = rgb(214, 223, 247)
            treeview_setTextColor   frmMain.Handle, %IDC_MenuTREE, rgb(0, 0, 0) 'rgb(75, 118, 223)
            treeview_setLineColor   frmMain.Handle, %IDC_MenuTREE, rgb(0, 0, 0)
            long htGoogleCharts     = TREEVIEW_INSERTITEM frmMain.Handle, %IDC_MenuTREE, 0, %TVI_FIRST, 0, 0, "Google Charts"
            long htGauge            = TreeView_InsertItem frmMain.Handle, %IDC_MenuTREE, htGoogleCharts, %TVI_LAST, 0   , 0   , "Gauge Chart"
            long htCombo            = TreeView_InsertItem frmMain.Handle, %IDC_MenuTREE, htGoogleCharts, %TVI_LAST, 0   , 0   , "Combo Chart"
            long htLineCurve        = TreeView_InsertItem frmMain.Handle, %IDC_MenuTREE, htGoogleCharts, %TVI_LAST, 0   , 0   , "Line Curve"
            long htPie3DChart       = TreeView_InsertItem frmMain.Handle, %IDC_MenuTREE, htGoogleCharts, %TVI_LAST, 0   , 0   , "Pie 3D Chart"
            long htMaterialBarChart = TreeView_InsertItem frmMain.Handle, %IDC_MenuTREE, htGoogleCharts, %TVI_LAST, 0   , 0   , "Material Bar Chart"
            long htSankeyDiagram    = TreeView_InsertItem frmMain.Handle, %IDC_MenuTREE, htGoogleCharts, %TVI_LAST, 0   , 0   , "Sankey Diagram"
            long htTreeMap          = TreeView_InsertItem frmMain.Handle, %IDC_MenuTREE, htGoogleCharts, %TVI_LAST, 0   , 0   , "Tree Map"
            long htWordTree         = TreeView_InsertItem frmMain.Handle, %IDC_MenuTREE, htGoogleCharts, %TVI_LAST, 0   , 0   , "Word tree implicit"
        MainTree.Expand(htGoogleCharts) = %TRUE
        MainTree.Select = htGauge'htGoogleCharts
    DIALOG SHOW MODAL frmMain.Handle
    callback function activexWB_OnCallBack() as Long
      msgbox Function_Name
      '---Sooner or later thinBasic will be able to capture events from ActiveX
    end Function
    ' Callback function used to handle dialog events 
    ' not handled by specific event functions
    CallBack Function frmMain_OnCallBack() As Long
    End Function
    CallBack Function frmMain_OnInit() As Long
      '---Limits window minimum size
      btnCloseMe.Text = "Close"
    End Function
    CallBack Function frmMain_OnSize() As Long
      MainTree.w = 200
      MainTree.h =
      btnCloseMe.x = - 130
      btnCloseMe.y = 10
      activexWB.x = 201
      activexWB.y = 100 = - 201 =
    End Function
    CallBack Function frmMain_OnDestroy() As Long
    End Function
    ' Button EVENT
      CallBack Function btnCloseMe_OnClick() As Long
      End Function
    ' TreeView EVENTs
      CallBack Function MainTree_OnSelChanged() As Long 
        local sChartTemplate  as String
        local sDynamic        as String
        local sDataMarker     as String
        local sUrl            as String
        local NavigateTo      as Long
        local UpdateChart     as Long
        'Local HtmlDocument    as iDispatch
        sDataMarker = "%thinbasicdata"
        select case MainTree.Selected
          case htGoogleCharts
    '---Seems when I destroy DOM Document of the browser then it is not possibile to navigate to a web page
            sUrl = ""
            NavigateTo = TRUE
          case htGauge
            sChartTemplate = app_sourcepath & "Charts\GoogleChart_Dynamic_Gauge.html"
            sDynamic = "
                          ['Label', 'Value'],
                          ['Memory', {1}],
                          ['CPU', {2}],
                          ['Network', {3}]
            sDynamic = StrFormat$(sDynamic, rnd(10, 100), rnd(10, 100), rnd(10, 100))
            UpdateChart = TRUE
          case htLineCurve
            sChartTemplate = app_sourcepath & "Charts\GoogleChart_Dynamic_LineCurveChart.html"
            sDynamic = "
                          ['Year', 'Sales', 'Expenses'],
                          ['2004',  1000,      400],
                          ['2005',  1170,      460],
                          ['2006',  660,       1120],
                          ['2007',  1030,      540]
            UpdateChart = TRUE
          case htCombo
            sChartTemplate = app_sourcepath & "Charts\GoogleChart_Dynamic_ComboChart.html"
            sDynamic = "
                          ['Month', 'Bolivia', 'Ecuador', 'Madagascar', 'Papua New Guinea', 'Rwanda', 'Average'],
                          ['2004/05',  165,       938,         522,              998,          450,      614.6],
                          ['2005/06',  135,      1120,         599,             1268,          288,      682  ],
                          ['2006/07',  157,      1167,         587,              807,          397,      623  ],
                          ['2007/08',  139,      1110,         615,              968,          215,      609.4],
                          ['2008/09',  136,       691,         629,             1026,          366,      569.6]
            UpdateChart = TRUE
          case htMaterialBarChart
            sChartTemplate = app_sourcepath & "Charts\GoogleChart_Dynamic_MaterialBarChart.html"
            sDynamic = "
                          ['Year', 'Sales', 'Expenses', 'Profit'],
                          ['2014', 1000, 400, 200],
                          ['2015', 1170, 460, 250],
                          ['2016', 660, 1120, 300],
                          ['2017', 1030, 540, 350]
            UpdateChart = TRUE
          case htPie3DChart
            sChartTemplate = app_sourcepath & "Charts\GoogleChart_Dynamic_Pie3DChart.html"
            sDynamic = "
                          ['Task', 'Hours per Day'],
                          ['Work',     11],
                          ['Eat',      2],
                          ['Commute',  2],
                          ['Watch TV', 2],
                          ['Sleep',    7]
            UpdateChart = TRUE
          case htSankeyDiagram
            sChartTemplate = app_sourcepath & "Charts\GoogleChart_Dynamic_SankeyDiagram.html"
            sDynamic = "
                           [ 'Brazil', 'Portugal', 5 ],
                           [ 'Brazil', 'France', 1 ],
                           [ 'Brazil', 'Spain', 1 ],
                           [ 'Brazil', 'England', 1 ],
                           [ 'Canada', 'Portugal', 1 ],
                           [ 'Canada', 'France', 5 ],
                           [ 'Canada', 'England', 1 ],
                           [ 'Mexico', 'Portugal', 1 ],
                           [ 'Mexico', 'France', 1 ],
                           [ 'Mexico', 'Spain', 5 ],
                           [ 'Mexico', 'England', 1 ],
                           [ 'USA', 'Portugal', 1 ],
                           [ 'USA', 'France', 1 ],
                           [ 'USA', 'Spain', 1 ],
                           [ 'USA', 'England', 5 ],
                           [ 'Portugal', 'Angola', 2 ],
                           [ 'Portugal', 'Senegal', 1 ],
                           [ 'Portugal', 'Morocco', 1 ],
                           [ 'Portugal', 'South Africa', 3 ],
                           [ 'France', 'Angola', 1 ],
                           [ 'France', 'Senegal', 3 ],
                           [ 'France', 'Mali', 3 ],
                           [ 'France', 'Morocco', 3 ],
                           [ 'France', 'South Africa', 1 ],
                           [ 'Spain', 'Senegal', 1 ],
                           [ 'Spain', 'Morocco', 3 ],
                           [ 'Spain', 'South Africa', 1 ],
                           [ 'England', 'Angola', 1 ],
                           [ 'England', 'Senegal', 1 ],
                           [ 'England', 'Morocco', 2 ],
                           [ 'England', 'South Africa', 7 ],
                           [ 'South Africa', 'China', 5 ],
                           [ 'South Africa', 'India', 1 ],
                           [ 'South Africa', 'Japan', 3 ],
                           [ 'Angola', 'China', 5 ],
                           [ 'Angola', 'India', 1 ],
                           [ 'Angola', 'Japan', 3 ],
                           [ 'Senegal', 'China', 5 ],
                           [ 'Senegal', 'India', 1 ],
                           [ 'Senegal', 'Japan', 3 ],
                           [ 'Mali', 'China', 5 ],
                           [ 'Mali', 'India', 1 ],
                           [ 'Mali', 'Japan', 3 ],
                           [ 'Morocco', 'China', 5 ],
                           [ 'Morocco', 'India', 1 ],
                           [ 'Morocco', 'Japan', 3 ]
            UpdateChart = TRUE
          case htTreeMap
            sChartTemplate = app_sourcepath & "Charts\GoogleChart_Dynamic_TreeMap.html"
            sDynamic = "
                          ['Location', 'Parent', 'Market trade volume (size)', 'Market increase/decrease (color)'],
                          ['Global',    null,                 0,                               0],
                          ['America',   'Global',             0,                               0],
                          ['Europe',    'Global',             0,                               0],
                          ['Asia',      'Global',             0,                               0],
                          ['Australia', 'Global',             0,                               0],
                          ['Africa',    'Global',             0,                               0],
                          ['Brazil',    'America',            11,                              10],
                          ['USA',       'America',            52,                              31],
                          ['Mexico',    'America',            24,                              12],
                          ['Canada',    'America',            16,                              -23],
                          ['France',    'Europe',             42,                              -11],
                          ['Germany',   'Europe',             31,                              -2],
                          ['Sweden',    'Europe',             22,                              -13],
                          ['Italy',     'Europe',             17,                              4],
                          ['UK',        'Europe',             21,                              -5],
                          ['China',     'Asia',               36,                              4],
                          ['Japan',     'Asia',               20,                              -12],
                          ['India',     'Asia',               40,                              63],
                          ['Laos',      'Asia',               4,                               34],
                          ['Mongolia',  'Asia',               1,                               -5],
                          ['Israel',    'Asia',               12,                              24],
                          ['Iran',      'Asia',               18,                              13],
                          ['Pakistan',  'Asia',               11,                              -52],
                          ['Egypt',     'Africa',             21,                              0],
                          ['S. Africa', 'Africa',             30,                              43],
                          ['Sudan',     'Africa',             12,                              2],
                          ['Congo',     'Africa',             10,                              12],
                          ['Zaire',     'Africa',             8,                               10]
            UpdateChart = TRUE
          case htWordTree
            sChartTemplate = app_sourcepath & "Charts\GoogleChart_Dynamic_WordTree.html"
            sDynamic = "
                          [ ['Phrases'],
                            ['cats are better than dogs'],
                            ['cats eat kibble'],
                            ['cats are better than hamsters'],
                            ['cats are awesome'],
                            ['cats are people too'],
                            ['cats eat mice'],
                            ['cats meowing'],
                            ['cats in the cradle'],
                            ['cats eat mice'],
                            ['cats in the cradle lyrics'],
                            ['cats eat kibble'],
                            ['cats for adoption'],
                            ['cats are family'],
                            ['cats eat mice'],
                            ['cats are better than kittens'],
                            ['cats are evil'],
                            ['cats are weird'],
                            ['cats eat mice'],
            UpdateChart = TRUE
        end Select
        if IsComObject(iWebBrowser) Then
          if UpdateChart Then
            ShowChart(sChartTemplate, sDataMarker, sDynamic)
          elseif NavigateTo Then
          end If
        end If
      end Function
      ' Dynamic Script function added to activexWB control
      function ShowChart(byval sChartTemplateFile as string, byval sDataMarker as String, byval sData as String) as Long
        local sTemplate       as String
        Local HtmlDocument    as iDispatch
        '---Stop any current navigation
        '---Load Graph template file from disk
        sTemplate = load_file(sChartTemplateFile)
        '---If template was loaded ...
        if len(sTemplate) Then
          '---Replace data placeholder with data
          sTemplate = replace$(sTemplate, sDataMarker, sData)
          '---Now we need to load HTML directly into DOMCodument of the browser
          '---Get WebBrowser DOMDocument dispatch interface
          HtmlDocument = iWebBrowser.Document
          '---If OK, change it using dynamic text loaded from chart template
          if IsComObject(HtmlDocument) then
            HtmlDocument.OpenNew = FALSE
  "text/html", "replace")
            HtmlDocument = Nothing
          end If
        end If
      end Function
      ' Dynamic Script function added to activexWB control
      function GoToUrl(byval sNewUrl as string) as Long
        local sTemplate       as String
        Local HtmlDocument    as iDispatch
        '---Stop any current navigation
        '---Now we need to load clear DOMCodument of the browser
        '---Get WebBrowser DOMDocument dispatch interface
        HtmlDocument = iWebBrowser.Document
        '---If OK, change it using dynamic text loaded from chart template
        if IsComObject(HtmlDocument) then
          HtmlDocument.OpenNew = false
"text/html", "replace")
          HtmlDocument = Nothing
        end If
        '---Load URL
      end Function
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by ErosOlmi; 26-11-2017 at 22:30. | |
    Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 64bit - 32 GB - Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-10855M CPU @ 2.80GHz - NVIDIA Quadro RTX 3000

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