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Thread: thinBasic 1.10.7.x

  1. #61
    Member Kuron's Avatar
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    That is nice to know. Redownloading TB as I managed to completely bork it last night.

  2. #62
    thinBasic author ErosOlmi's Avatar
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    I'm very close to release thinBasic Beta 1.10.5
    New version will be focused on improving message handling in User Interface module.

    Mainly I'm expanding the possibility to give a name to every controls (so far only available for Label, Textbox, Button and TreeView) and using that name plus the even name in callback functions it will be possible to trap specific events without the need to have big main window Select/End select cases for events.

    In below example there are no callback declared in DIALOG NEW ... or CONTROL ADD ... but both Dialog and Controls has been declared with ... Name "..." ... clause that gives a name to the object like: "MyWindow", "txtFind", "CloseMe", ...
    Creating a Callback function having function name equal to the Dialog or Control name followed by the event you want to handle is the only thing you need to add to do in order to trap a specific event ad act according to your needs.
    I'm trying to add the most common events. Done that I will add more uncommon events.

    More or less it will be like old VB6 events.

    An example can show you what I mean. Also attached a Bundled example.
    USES "UI"
    uses "console"
    '---Define a button ID
    begin ControlID
    end ControlID
    Dim hDlg As DWORD
    DIALOG New Pixels, Name "MyWindow", 0, "Dialog to show automatic events handling",-1,-1, 640, 480,
                                       %WS_DLGFRAME Or %DS_CENTER Or %WS_CAPTION Or %WS_SYSMENU Or %WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,
                                       0 To hDlg
    CONTROL ADD Label   Name "lblFind"    , hDlg, %lblFind     , "Find"    ,  10, 15, 350, 20, %SS_NOTIFY
    CONTROL ADD Textbox Name "txtFind"    , hDlg, %txtFind     , ""        ,  10, 30, 350, 25, %ES_AUTOHSCROLL | %ES_LEFT | %WS_BORDER | %WS_TABSTOP
    CONTROL ADD Label   Name "lblReplace" , hDlg, %lblReplace  , "Replace" ,  10, 55, 350, 20, %SS_NOTIFY
    CONTROL ADD Textbox Name "txtReplace" , hDlg, %txtReplace  , ""        ,  10, 70, 350, 25, %ES_AUTOHSCROLL | %ES_LEFT | %WS_BORDER | %WS_TABSTOP
    CONTROL ADD BUTTON  Name "New"        , hDlg, %ButtonNew   , "New"     , 480, 10, 150, 25, %BS_NOTIFY | %BS_CENTER | %BS_VCENTER | %WS_TABSTOP
    CONTROL ADD BUTTON  Name "CloseMe"    , hDlg, %ButtonClose , "Close"   , 480, 40, 150, 25, %BS_NOTIFY | %BS_CENTER | %BS_VCENTER | %WS_TABSTOP
    ' Callback function used to handle dialog events 
    ' not handled by specific event functions
    CallBack Function MyWindow_OnCallBack() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name, CBMSG, "DIALOG message not handled by specific event function"
    End Function
    CallBack Function MyWindow_OnInit() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
      control set Resize CBHNDL, %ButtonNew   , 0, 1, 0, 0
      control set Resize CBHNDL, %ButtonClose , 0, 1, 0, 0
    End Function
    CallBack Function MyWindow_OnSize() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name, CBWPARAM, HIWRD(CBLPARAM), LOWRD(CBLPARAM)
    End Function
    CallBack Function MyWindow_OnMove() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name, CBWPARAM, HIWRD(CBLPARAM), LOWRD(CBLPARAM)
    End Function
    CallBack Function MyWindow_OnMoving() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function MyWindow_OnMouseMove() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function MyWindow_OnNCHITTEST() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function MyWindow_OnSETCURSOR() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function MyWindow_OnLBUTTONDOWN() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function MyWindow_OnLBUTTONUP() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function MyWindow_OnLBUTTONDBLCLK() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function MyWindow_OnNCMOUSEMOVE() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function MyWindow_OnNCMOUSELEAVE() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function MyWindow_OnCommand() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function MyWindow_OnClose() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function MyWindow_OnSHOWWINDOW() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function MyWindow_OnDestroy() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
      PrintL "Window just destroyed. Press a key to end" in %CCOLOR_FLIGHTRED
    End Function
    CallBack Function CloseMe_OnClick() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function CloseMe_OnSetFocus() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function CloseMe_OnKillFocus() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function New_OnClick() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    'CallBack Function CloseMe_OnCallBack() As Long
    '  printl Timer, Function_Name, CBMSG, "BUTTON message not handled by specific event function"
    'End Function
    CallBack Function lblFind_OnClick() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function lblFind_OnDblClk() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function lblFind_OnDisable() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function lblFind_OnEnable() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function txtFind_OnCallback() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name, CBCTLMSG
      Function = %TRUE
    End Function
    CallBack Function txtFind_OnChange() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name, "text changed to", Control_GetText(CBHNDL, CBCTL)
      Function = %TRUE
    End Function
    CallBack Function txtFind_OnUpdate() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
      Function = %TRUE
    End Function
    CallBack Function txtFind_OnSetFocus() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function txtFind_OnKillFocus() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function txtReplace_OnChange() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name, "text changed to", Control_GetText(CBHNDL, CBCTL)
      Function = %TRUE
    End Function
    CallBack Function txtReplace_OnUpdate() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
      Function = %TRUE
    End Function
    CallBack Function txtReplace_OnSetFocus() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    CallBack Function txtReplace_OnKillFocus() As Long
      printl Timer, Function_Name
    End Function
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by ErosOlmi; 31-10-2017 at 22:23. | |
    Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 64bit - 32 GB - Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-10855M CPU @ 2.80GHz - NVIDIA Quadro RTX 3000

  3. #63
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Do like,

    I never enjoyed those huge SELECT CASE monuments for filtering API messages

    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
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  4. #64
    if you want you can make a thinbasic experimental version completely like VB6. you can host it in github site. in the days of vb6 it was nearly every day job to write something like this:
    Private Sub Command1_Click()
    For i = 1 To 1000
    total = total + i
    Next i
    Text1.Text = total
    End Sub

    Text1 is the first Text Box, while Sub Command1_Click() is the click event of the first Button. the ""Private Sub Command1_Click()"" is opened automatically when we DBL click on the button in the vb6 Form designer.

    this why is why in thinbasic i am using 2 codes : one for the GUI design (because its complexity and i don't want to see it any more) and the other for the everyday usage code such as my post here:
    the controls and Dialog codes is so complex so it is better to hide it under easy to remember clothes and names. but this suggested approach will not run the old code. this is why i suggest it as an experimental and another flavor of thinbasic to put it in github site

  5. #65
    thinBasic author ErosOlmi's Avatar
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    Thanks a lot primo.

    So far I'm working on handling "events" that is "Command1_Click()" firing.
    But your suggestion on (Text1.Text) is inspiring me on other fields.
    As soon as I will finish on control events, I will think about control properties. Control Name is already there. | |
    Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 64bit - 32 GB - Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-10855M CPU @ 2.80GHz - NVIDIA Quadro RTX 3000

  6. #66
    thinBasic author ErosOlmi's Avatar
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    Quite exciting about new features I'm adding to UI (User Interface) module for the next thinBasic version.

    Dialog and controls automatic event handling functions: just give a name to windows or controls and your will have a lot of function events ready to be personalized.
    Dialog and controls properties: just give a name to windows or controls and you will have a lot of easy to be used properties to get/set

    An example that will be available with next thinBasic 1.10.5 as soon and it will be ready and attached a working executable:
    USES "UI"
    '---Define a button ID
    begin ControlID
    end ControlID
    string sOperations(4) = "+", "-", "*", "/"
    dialog Font "Courier New", 12
    DIALOG New Pixels   , Name SimpleCalc, 0, "Basic calculator with events",-1,-1, 640, 380,
                                       %WS_DLGFRAME | %DS_CENTER | %WS_CAPTION | %WS_SYSMENU | %WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,
    CONTROL ADD Label   , Name lblNum1  , SimpleCalc.Handle, %lblNum1   , "Number 1"  ,  10,  15, 350,  20, %SS_NOTIFY
    CONTROL ADD Textbox , Name txtNum1  , SimpleCalc.Handle, %txtNum1   , ""          ,  10,  30, 350,  30, %ES_AUTOHSCROLL | %ES_RIGHT | %WS_TABSTOP | %ES_NUMBER
    CONTROL ADD Label   , Name lblOp    , SimpleCalc.Handle, %lblOp     , "Operation" ,  10,  60, 350,  20, %SS_NOTIFY
    CONTROL ADD COMBOBOX, Name cbOp     , SimpleCalc.Handle, %cbOp      , sOperations ,  10,  75, 350, 100, %CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | %WS_TABSTOP
    CONTROL ADD Label   , Name lblNum2  , SimpleCalc.Handle, %lblNum2   , "Number 2"  ,  10, 110, 350,  20, %SS_NOTIFY
    CONTROL ADD Textbox , Name txtNum2  , SimpleCalc.Handle, %txtNum2   , ""          ,  10, 125, 350,  30, %ES_AUTOHSCROLL | %ES_RIGHT | %WS_TABSTOP '| %ES_NUMBER
    CONTROL ADD Label   , Name lblResult, SimpleCalc.Handle, %lblResult , "Result"    ,  10, 255, 350,  20, %SS_NOTIFY
    CONTROL ADD Textbox , Name txtResult, SimpleCalc.Handle, %txtResult , "0"         ,  10, 270, 350,  30, %ES_AUTOHSCROLL | %ES_RIGHT | %WS_TABSTOP | %ES_READONLY
    CONTROL ADD BUTTON  , Name btnResult, SimpleCalc.Handle, %btnResult , "Result"    , 480,  10, 150,  25, %BS_NOTIFY | %BS_CENTER | %BS_VCENTER | %WS_TABSTOP
    CONTROL ADD BUTTON  , Name btnClose , SimpleCalc.Handle, %btnClose  , "Close"     , 480, 340, 150,  25, %BS_NOTIFY | %BS_CENTER | %BS_VCENTER | %WS_TABSTOP
    DIALOG SHOW MODAL SimpleCalc.Handle
    ' Callback function used to handle dialog events 
    ' not handled by specific event functions
    CallBack Function SimpleCalc_OnCallBack() As Long
    End Function
    CallBack Function SimpleCalc_OnLoad() As Long
      '---Limits window minimum size
      DIALOG SET MINSIZE SimpleCalc.Handle, 550, 320
      '---Force resize logic
      control set Resize CBHNDL, %btnResult , 0, 1, 0, 0
      control set Resize CBHNDL, %btnClose  , 0, 1, 0, 1
      '---Select first element in combo operations
      COMBOBOX SELECT SimpleCalc.Handle, %cbOp, 1
      '---Some initial values
      txtNum1.Text  = "10"
      txtNum2.Text  = "20"
      '---Change name to Close button
      btnClose.Text = "Close Me"
    End Function
    ' Function fired when SimpleCalc window will be closed
    CallBack Function SimpleCalc_OnDestroy() As Long
      MsgBox "Thanks for testing thinBASIC"
    End Function
    ' Function fired when button Close is clicked
    CallBack Function btnClose_OnClick() As Long
    End Function
    ' Function fired when drop down combo box is closed after a selection
    callback function cbOp_ONCLOSEUP() as Long
    End Function
    ' Function fired when change selected item in a drop down combo box 
    callback function cbOp_ONSELCHANGE() as Long
    End Function
    ' Function fired when button Result is clicked
    CallBack Function btnResult_OnClick() As Long
    End Function
    ' Function fired when text inside txtNum1 textbox is changed
    CallBack Function txtNum1_OnChange() As Long
    End Function
    ' Function fired when text inside txtNum2 textbox is changed
    CallBack Function txtNum2_OnChange() As Long
    End Function
    ' Calculate and fill txtResult textbox
    Function CalculateResult() as ext
      txtResult.BackColor = rgb(0, 255, 255)
      select case cbOp.Text
        case "+"
          txtResult.Text = tstr$(val(txtNum1.text) + val(txtNum2.text))
        case "-"
          txtResult.Text = tstr$(val(txtNum1.text) - val(txtNum2.text))
        case "*"
          txtResult.Text = tstr$(val(txtNum1.text) * val(txtNum2.text))
        case "/"
          if val(txtNum2.text) Then
            txtResult.Text = tstr$(val(txtNum1.text) / val(txtNum2.text))
            txtResult.BackColor = rgb(255, 0, 0)
            txtResult.Text = "Div/0"
          end If
      end Select
      function = txtResult.Text
    End Function
    Attached Files Attached Files | |
    Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 64bit - 32 GB - Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-10855M CPU @ 2.80GHz - NVIDIA Quadro RTX 3000

  7. #67
    Thanks Eros
    txtNum1.Text = "10"
    txtNum2.Text = "20"
    this is what is needed, like the good old VB6
    so i can hide the GUI complex code in an include file and in the working code i use the new syntax
    hope also the same for the RichEdit box
    but does the new version can't run the TB 1.10.4 examples or it will run the 1.10.4 examples and the newer 1.10.5 examples ??. or may be an option button in the Options settings gives the user the choice of new vb6 style or the TB 1.10.4 style
    Last edited by primo; 08-11-2017 at 17:27.

  8. #68
    thinBasic author ErosOlmi's Avatar
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    thinBasic is always (or quite always) compatible with the past.
    So new features will not change anything and will remain compatible with old code.
    It will be just a matter of programmer coding style | |
    Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 64bit - 32 GB - Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-10855M CPU @ 2.80GHz - NVIDIA Quadro RTX 3000

  9. #69
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    you are on fire. Thank you very much for another bucket of hard work .

    I have an heretic suggestion - what about making the ctrlId optional for named controls? Once somebody names the control, he will probably use this magic as much as possible and that ctrlId could be generated internally automagically. What do you think?

    Last edited by Petr Schreiber; 09-11-2017 at 01:17.
    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
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  10. #70
    thinBasic author ErosOlmi's Avatar
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    Great idea, as usual.

    First I need to get most of all possible properties available.
    Than I will make it optional.

    So far I've added the following control properties, most of them bot SET/GET, some only GET (read only) to Buttons, Labels, Textbox, Combobox, Canvas, Dialogs:

    • Name
    • Text
    • Id
    • Parent
    • Handle
    • X
    • Y
    • W
    • H

    Also added many control and dialogs events.
    I'm really excited. Once done code will really resemble VB6

    Bad news is that it will take months to write help documentation
    Last edited by ErosOlmi; 09-11-2017 at 01:27. | |
    Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 64bit - 32 GB - Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-10855M CPU @ 2.80GHz - NVIDIA Quadro RTX 3000

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