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Thread: enumerating types

  1. #1
    thinBasic MVPs
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
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    enumerating types

    Most of the readers here have seen my thinICE-project and tUI with it.
    (So you might have a look at the Type_Functions.tBasicU)

    Its all based on allocating memory for controls and data at heap-memory.
    All it needs is a pointer at the very first position of any variable that extends a basetype where we can read out the typename and we can store pointers of variables that are different udts in a row of DWords.
    So the basetype always looks as
    Type tTypedBasetype
    pType        As DWord   ' must be very first
    ' ...
    End Type
    Imagine you want to draw a list of different geometric shapes as triangles, rectangles and circles or something like that.
    Or even process different UI-controls as buttons, menuitems, textboxes, treeviews, codefields...
    And all of that in a clearly structured, well readeable and proceedeable type-oriented manner.
    All UDTs that Extends tTypedBasetype have first property pType, = to find directly at Varptr|MemoryPtr and it contains the result of below posted function Type_Enumerate = a pointer where the typename can be read out.

    Even better:
    if an allocated memory-area "knows" of which type it is we can create a variable by reading the typename at its pointer using keyword Like...

    So my "idea/suggestion" were to implement a global type-name-enumeration as

    ' Filename "Type_Functions.tBasicU"
    Function Type_Enumerate(ByVal sType     As String, _
                   Optional ByVal TestExist As Boolean _
                            ) As DWord
    ' to create a global uniform Type-name-enumeration
    ' every type gets stored only once
    ' the "enumerated" number can be used to compare types.
    ' every "enumerated" number is unique since it's a memory-pointer
    ' which is valid until the script ends
    ' all type-names get stored in UCase and can be read out at this
    ' pointer using Heap_Get()
    ' if testExist then will return 0 for "Typename not enumerated yet"
      Static hAllTypes As DWord
           ' this points a heap with a list of pointers to all enumerated type-names
      Local Index    As Long   ' will hold the index of requested pointer
      If Not Type_Exists(sType) Then Return 0 ' if it's not a type then return nothing
      sType = Ucase$(sType) ' from here all type-names work in UCASE
      If HEAP_Size(hAllTypes) Then    ' are there any pointers already?
        ' place virtual Dword-array upon the pointer-list:
        Local vPtr(HEAP_Size(hAllTypes)/4) As DWord At hAllTypes
       ' and scan if any of the list points the requested type-name
        Index = Array Scan vPtr Ptr, = sType
        If Index Then
          Return vPtr(Index)
      ' does not exist yet:
      If TestExist Then Return 0
      ' store sType and append its Pointer to function-static hAllTypes
      hAllTypes = HEAP_ReAllocByStr(hAllTypes, HEAP_Get(hAllTypes) & MKDWD$(HEAP_AllocByStr(sType)) )
      ' return last appended pointer
      Function = Peek(DWord, HEAP_End(hAllTypes) - 3 )
      ' use Heap_Get on the result to read the type-name out
    End Function
    which helps to store & manage pointers + arrays of different udt-variables which are useful if one has to process different types (as controls, shapes, entities, any elements with different properties,... etc. etc. etc.) in a {row | loop}

    Thinking of a future built-in to core class cHeap, the class could provide a "slot" to store the type of data stored at This cHeap at the very first position automatic. It needs the size of a DWord...

    the unit Type_Functions.tBasicU consists of two more functions:

    Function Type_SizeOf(ByVal sType As String) As Long
      ' returns SizeOf("sType") 
    ' it would be useful to have a function that tells us
    ' the variable-size if we have the typename in a string
      If Type_Exists(sType) Then
        Select Case Ucase$(sType)
          Case "PTR", "STRING"
            Function = 4
          Case Else
            Local data Like sType At 0
            Function = SizeOf(data)
        End Select
    End Function
    Function Type_AtPtr(ByVal p As DWord) As String
      ' returns Typename of UDTs theirs first element contains a typename-pointer
      Function = HEAP_Get(Peek(DWord, p))
      ' allows for example within other functions:
    ' Local xxx Like Type_AtPtr(p) At p
    ' to create a fitting layover on some {allocated memory | string-data}
    ' equals:
    ' Local xxx Like Heap_Get(Peek(Dword, p)) At p
    End Function
    Programmers should be aware in case saving data not to save the typename-pointer but the name it points.
    Last edited by ReneMiner; 06-02-2016 at 20:12.
    I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support

  2. #2
    thinBasic MVPs
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
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    Maybe it's not only useful to enumerate Type-names but also other stuff as Control-names or any other groups of names.
    This example demonstrates how to enumerate stuff of any kind in different groups:
    ' #Filename "enumerate.tBasic"
    Uses "console"
    Alias HEAP_ReAllocByStr As HEAP_Set ' Heap_ReAllocByStr too long without autocomplete ;)
    %TestExist    = TRUE      ' for better readability
    ' --------------------------------------------------------------------
    Function TBMain()
    ' --------------------------------------------------------------------
      Local pType(3) As DWord
      Local pName(3) As DWord
      Local i        As Long
      pType(1) = Enumerate( "Type", "STRING"  )
      pType(2) = Enumerate( "Type", "Boolean" )
      pType(3) = Enumerate( "Type", "String"  )
      PrintL "enumerated as 'Type'" In %brightYellow
      PrintL "Ptr     ", "Data"
      For i = 1 To UBound(pType)
        PrintL Hex$(pType(i), 8), HEAP_Get(pType(i))
      pName(1) = Enumerate( "Name", "myWindow" )
      pName(2) = Enumerate( "Name", "MYBUTTON" ) 
      pName(3) = Enumerate( "Name", "myButton" )
      PrintL "enumerated as 'Name'" In %brightYellow
      PrintL "Ptr     ", "Data"
      For i = 1 To UBound(pName)
        PrintL Hex$(pName(i), 8), HEAP_Get(pName(i))
      Print "myButton in Group 'Type' " 
      PrintL IIf$(Enumerate("Type", "myButton", %TestExist), "exists", "does not exist")
      Print "myButton in Group 'Name' " 
      PrintL IIf$(Enumerate("Name", "myButton", %TestExist), "exists", "does not exist")
      Print "bananas in Group 'Fruits' "
      PrintL IIf$(Enumerate("Fruits", "bananas", %TestExist), "exists", "does not exist")
      PrintL $CRLF & Repeat$(50, "-")
      PrintL "any key to end"
    End Function
    ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    Function Enumerate( ByVal sGroup      As String, _ 
                        ByVal sExpression As String, _
               Optional ByVal testExist   As Boolean _
                       ) As DWord
    ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
      ' enumerated Groups & Strings are case-insensitive
      Static pGroups As DWord ' array of groups @heap
      Static pLists  As DWord ' corresponding array to pGroups 
      Local lGroup, lExpr As Long  ' index of group & expression
      Local pGroup() As DWord At 0 ' layover at pGroups
      Local pList()  As DWord At 0 ' layover at pLists
      Local pExpr()  As DWord At 0 ' layover at pList(lGroup)
      If StrPtrLen(StrPtr(sGroup))      < 1 Then Return 0
      If StrPtrLen(StrPtr(sExpression)) < 1 Then Return 0
      sGroup      = Ucase$(sGroup)
      sExpression = Ucase$(sExpression)
      ' find the group:
      ReDim pGroup(HEAP_Size(pGroups)/4) At pGroups
      If HEAP_Size(pGroups) Then
        lGroup = Array Scan pGroup Ptr, = sGroup
      If lGroup = 0 Then
        If testExist Then Return 0
        pGroups = HEAP_Set(pGroups, HEAP_Get(pGroups) & MKDWD$(HEAP_Set(0, sGroup)))
        pLists  = HEAP_Set(pLists,  HEAP_Get(pLists)  & MKDWD$(0))   
        ReDim pGroup(HEAP_Size(pGroups)/4) At pGroups
        lGroup = UBound(pGroup)
      ' find the list of pointers of the group
      ReDim pList(lGroup) At pLists
      If HEAP_Size(pList(lGroup)) Then
        ReDim pExpr(HEAP_Size(pList(lGroup))/4) At pList(lGroup)
        lExpr = Array Scan pExpr Ptr, = sExpression
        If lExpr Then
          Return pExpr(lExpr)
      If testExist Then Return 0
      ' add new expression to the groups expressions-list:      
      pList(lGroup) = HEAP_Set(pList(lGroup), HEAP_Get(pList(lGroup)) & MKDWD$(HEAP_Set(0, sExpression)))
      ' return pointer to expression
      Function = Peek(DWord, HEAP_End(pList(lGroup)) - 3)
    End Function

    Still- it would be useful to retrieve SizeOf("<typename in string-expression>")
    Last edited by ReneMiner; 11-02-2016 at 18:33.
    I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support

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