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Thread: thinBasic Visual Designer Code Generator

  1. #1
    thinBasic author ErosOlmi's Avatar
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    thinBasic Visual Designer Code Generator

    Ok, some vaporware to show in thinBasic world.
    It is some time I'm working on next thinBasic version 1.9.
    I've already added many new features to the language, many new options to SDK engine regarding Module Classes, and now I've started to work to a very rough visual designer.
    I've used a quite old piece of code from PB forum public released by "JULES MARCHILDON" (I will add merit in executable when it will released) changing and adapting it to work under all latest Windows Versions including Windows 8.

    So far I've added few controls, control property dialog, form properties, tab order dialog, possibility to save forms in binary format in order to be able to save and re-open when needed.
    At the end, the visual designer directly produces thinBasic source code ready to be pasted into a thinBasic script and be executed.
    I've intention to release Visual Designer as PowerBasic source code so everyone will be able to participate in development.
    The idea is to finish beta version able to work as simple thinBasic code generator but later I will try to add events to forms and controls in order to add thinBasic source code directly into designer and produce real applications and not just skeleton of scrips.

    Anyway, a video is worth 1000 words. | |
    Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 64bit - 32 GB - Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-10855M CPU @ 2.80GHz - NVIDIA Quadro RTX 3000

  2. #2
    thinBasic author ErosOlmi's Avatar
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    That is not automatic.
    What is best is usually a programmer by programmer decision and is valid only for that programmer.
    So, the most there will be on the table the better for thinBasic programmers. | |
    Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 64bit - 32 GB - Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-10855M CPU @ 2.80GHz - NVIDIA Quadro RTX 3000

  3. #3
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    this looks really great, it would be big help in form intensive applications. The controls are intuitive, I like it very much!
    My mind is already full of wild ideas:

    Visual designer itself
    • add support for RESIZE of controls (anchors)
    • use Begin ControlID/End ControlID blocks in generated code for equates
    • add option to generate code for dialog, which is not in TBMain (code for secondary dialog, for example to be placed to other thinBASIC Unit)
    • add help label to the form, where you pick the styles - beginners are usually not familiar with Win32 styles
      • something to think about - preserve style definition using Win32 styles, or go the route of "general" styles implemented via Win32 behind the curtains?

    • define the format of forms in XML -> possible use by modules, see below

    Module related to visual designer - classic conservative approach

    • ability to save/load the forms from XML(or other format) to script.
      So something like hDlg = Module_CreateForm( sPathToFile )
      The benefit is that the code does get simpler, without 100 lines of dialog definition
    • the equates could be then defined from module via thinBASIC_AddEquate without need to be explicitly named in code

    Module related to visual designer - OOP style
    As ThinBASIC modules in will have great power, I think it would be possible to design standalone module, allowing to handle forms via OOPish syntax. Imagine:
    DIM myForm AS TBForm = new TBForm("Form1.bin") ' -- Constructor loads the form definition from file
    myForm.ShowModal( EventProcedure ) ' -- Classic method call, passes callback function name as parameter, invokable internally using thinBasic_FunctionSimpleCall_ByPtr
    myForm.Edit1.Text = "Hello" ' -- Now this is a bit more complex, but not that much - each control has its equate stored in the definition file, so via the approach which is used for method chains in Betas, when I find symbol, which is not method, I look if it is not name of the control (based on loaded data), and then behave accordingly

    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
    Windows 10 64bit - Intel Core i5-3350P @ 3.1GHz - 16 GB RAM - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB

  4. #4
    thinBasic author ErosOlmi's Avatar
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    eh eh Petr,

    I know your mind is always travelling fast and in different directions at the same time. And ... I LIKE IT

    At the moment all is very rough:
    • Visual Designer Power Basic code is quite copy/paste mode from different sources. I need to better organize, "modularize" and beautify it before I can release it
    • form can be saved but actually only in binary format. I will sure convert it into XML format
    • thinBasic generated code is quite bad but the beauty is that it can be "modulated" in the sense we can add different "code generators" dynamically.
      In any way next generated code will be much better
    • I still need to add all main controls. After that I will add thinBasic special controls
    • I definitely want to add possibility to add events (in form and controls) and add thinBasic source code to events directly into Visual Designer
    • I will also add possibility to execute thinBasic code directly from Visual Editor without the need to copy/past code into thinAir. Anyway all possibilities will be available.

    So, a lot to work on but seems exciting looking at the possibilities.

    Very soon I will release PowerBasic Visual Designer source code into thinBasic SVN server

    Eros | |
    Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 64bit - 32 GB - Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-10855M CPU @ 2.80GHz - NVIDIA Quadro RTX 3000

  5. #5

    The preview looked good. I came to the forum today to read some older threads about making Dialogs and Forms. So it was nice to see what you have planned for thinBasic's future.


  6. #6
    thinBasic MVPs kryton9's Avatar
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    Looks really nice Eros! Such a good language needed a good form designer and your plans for the future sound really great!

  7. #7

    thinFORM and netbooks


    This is my first post. I am a retired tech writer who enjoys programming games and things for my grandson and I have just discovered thinBASIC (GREAT!!). I have been playing around with thinFORM and have discovered that thinFORM draws its control to a fixed height that exceeds the size of the NetBook screen.Looking at the code it looke like 668 pixels and the netbook is only 576 pixels high.

    I can look at the thinFORM code and it looks like an easy fix is to have all of the buttons at the bottom of the control appear on another floating control. (as in older versions of GIMP with multiple g=floating controls and palettes).

    Would that be a reasonable approach to fixing the problem?


    Terry Ward

  8. #8
    thinBasic author ErosOlmi's Avatar
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    Hello Terry and welcome to thinBasic community forum.

    The new Visual Designer we are talking in this thread is something that still has to be released.
    This thread is just a preview (we are under vaporware forum ) of what I'm working on and was shown in order to let thinBasic user know about it and get some feedback/suggestions/impressions.

    thinForm, instead, was a user project developed directly in thinBasic and is available as source code. You can change it in order to adapt to your needs.

    Eros | |
    Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 64bit - 32 GB - Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-10855M CPU @ 2.80GHz - NVIDIA Quadro RTX 3000

  9. #9
    i never tried the visual designer (in the Tools menu) before, but now i have tried it and it is realy something good and makes the life easier.
    there is only one note, i choose font size for the textbox and the button to be "Arial Black", 12 but albeit reflected on the form during the design it does not reflected in the code, the code generated by the vd is:

    'thinAir Visual Designer
    ' Project: Visual Designer generated code
    ' File:    Your file name
    ' Created: On 06-25-2017 at 15:08:47
    '---Needed thinBasic modules
    Uses "UI"
    '---Controls IDs---
    Begin ControlID
    End ControlID
    ' Main thinBasic function
    Function TBMain() As Long
    End Function
    ' Create main Window
    Function MainWindow_Create(ByVal hParent As Long) As Long
    	Local hDlg     As Long
    	Local hFont    As Long
    	Local lStyle   As Long
    	Local lStyleEx As Long
    	lStyle = _                          
    	        %WS_DLGFRAME          | _   
    	        %WS_CAPTION           | _   
    	        %WS_SYSMENU           | _   
    	        %WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW  | _   
    	        %WS_CLIPCHILDREN      | _   
    	        %WS_CLIPSIBLINGS      | _   
    	lStyleEx = 0                        
    	Dialog New Pixels, hParent, "Form1", -1, -1, 476, 230, lStyle, lStyleEx, To hDlg
    	hFont = Font_Create("MS Sans Serif", 8)
    	Dialog Send hDlg, %WM_SETFONT, hFont, 0
    	Control Add Button, hDlg, %IDC_BUTTON_1, "Run", 16, 24, 88, 72, %WS_CHILD Or %WS_CLIPSIBLINGS Or %WS_TABSTOP Or %WS_VISIBLE Or %BS_PUSHBUTTON, 0
    	Dialog Show Modal hDlg, Call MainWindow_Proc
    	Win_DeleteObject hFont
    End Function
    ' Main WIndow CallBack handler
    CallBack Function MainWindow_Proc() As Long
    	Local pNMHDR   As NMHDR Ptr
    	Local PageNo   As Long     
    	Local hFontTab As Long     
    	Select Case (CBMSG)
    	    Case %WM_INITDIALOG
    	    Case %WM_COMMAND
    	        Select Case LOWRD(CBWPARAM)
    	            Case %IDOK
    	            Case %IDCANCEL
    	        End Select
    	    Case %WM_NOTIFY
    	    Case %WM_DESTROY
    	End Select
    End Function
    in any case this is trivial issue relative to benifits of this vd

    so i have added
    hFont = Font_Create("Arial Black", 12)
    Dialog Send hDlg, %WM_SETFONT, hFont, 0

    Control Send hDlg, %IDC_BUTTON_1, %WM_SETFONT, hFont, 0
    Control Send hDlg, %IDC_EDIT_1, %WM_SETFONT, hFont, 0
    'thinAir Visual Designer
    ' Project: Visual Designer generated code
    ' File:    Your file name
    ' Created: On 06-25-2017 at 14:45:20
    '---Needed thinBasic modules
    Uses "UI"
    '---Controls IDs---
    Begin ControlID
    End ControlID
    ' Main thinBasic function
    Function TBMain() As Long
    End Function
    ' Create main Window
    Function MainWindow_Create(ByVal hParent As Long) As Long
    	Global hDlg     As Long
    	Local hFont    As Long
    	Local lStyle   As Long
    	Local lStyleEx As Long
    	lStyle = _                          
    	        %WS_DLGFRAME          | _   
    	        %WS_CAPTION           | _   
    	        %WS_SYSMENU           | _   
    	        %WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW  | _   
    	        %WS_CLIPCHILDREN      | _   
    	        %WS_CLIPSIBLINGS      | _   
    	lStyleEx = 0                        
    	Dialog New Pixels, hParent, "Form1", -1, -1, 476, 230, lStyle, lStyleEx, To hDlg
    	'hFont = Font_Create("MS Sans Serif", 8)
    	hFont = Font_Create("Arial Black", 12)
    	Dialog Send hDlg, %WM_SETFONT, hFont, 0
    	Control Add Button, hDlg, %IDC_BUTTON_1, "Run", 16, 24, 88, 72, %WS_CHILD Or %WS_CLIPSIBLINGS Or %WS_TABSTOP Or %WS_VISIBLE Or %BS_PUSHBUTTON, 0
      Control Send hDlg, %IDC_BUTTON_1, %WM_SETFONT, hFont, 0 
      Control Send hDlg, %IDC_EDIT_1, %WM_SETFONT, hFont, 0
    	Dialog Show Modal hDlg, Call MainWindow_Proc
    	Win_DeleteObject hFont
    End Function
    ' Main WIndow CallBack handler
    CallBack Function MainWindow_Proc() As Long
    	Local pNMHDR   As NMHDR Ptr
    	Local PageNo   As Long     
    	Local hFontTab As Long
    	Select Case (CBMSG)
    	    Case %WM_INITDIALOG
    	    Case %WM_COMMAND
    	        Select Case CBCTL
    	            Case %IDC_BUTTON_1
                  Control Append Text hDlg, %IDC_EDIT_1, $CRLF & "big font size "
              End Select
    	        Select Case LOWRD(CBWPARAM)
    	            Case %IDOK
    	            Case %IDCANCEL
    	        End Select
    	    Case %WM_NOTIFY
    	    Case %WM_DESTROY
    	End Select
    End Function
    in any case this is trivial issue relative to benifits of this vd
    Last edited by primo; 25-06-2017 at 15:41.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I think VD needs some improvements also. Assume that you create a simple gui today and get the code. You, then added some more functionalities to that gui and thus made an application with that code and bundled it and sent to friend. Next day he calls you and told that he needs some extra features in that app. Some trivial changes. You agreed and changed the work you have done in VD. VD then creates the code again but how would you include in your app ? You need to manually search for changes in new code( which VD creates now) copy the newly created lines only to your existing code. Is this a problem. So i think VD can read existing thinbasic code and it shouldn't change the existing code you have added.

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