one more question to math things with thinbasic.

[code=thinbasic]' Empty GUI script created on 03-09-2010 10:22:46 by denis (ThinAIR)

Uses "console", "math"

MsgBox 0, "my multiply result: " + mymath()

Function mymath() As Long
Dim a,b,c As Long
Dim pival As Integer

a = 5
b = 6
c = a*b

PrintL a + b

PrintL Sin(a)
'PrintL Pi(b) '-- doesn't work, why ?

PiVal = 4 * Atn(1)
PrintL "my pival result: " + pival

PrintL Log(b)
'PrintL c-a ' c(-a) '-- doesn't work, why ?
'Printl a + mymath() '--- works, but fast list cannot stop to see

Function = c

End Function


my questions I named in code example
